Rebekah(Miss Rebekah) : Apr 26, 2012 Mean Girl...but loveable   

Well, I've lived up to my name MISS Rebekah!  I am a princess for sure.  I am quick to push my parents and brothers around if they try to ignore me or mess with my things.  I am not walking yet, but I am quickly getting into things!  I grunt a lot and have learned how to claw.  Maybe not the most lady like but hey..I learned from my older brothers.  At least I still wear cute dresses and look sweet from afar :-)  But looks can be deceiving!



David : Apr 25, 2012 I howngwy mommy!   

Hello fans.  I haven't posted anything in quite awhile because I've been busy changing my attitude.  I woke up one day and realized that I was 2.5.  Now that I am so mature I've decided that my attitude needed to change as well.  Now all I see is the silver lining in life and my blue eyes flutter with love and adoration for my mommy and daddy too.  Mom and Dad are pretty ecstatic about the change and I've noticed I get a lot more attention from the ladies when I'm cute instead of angry.  My favorite phrases are, "bive me a hug!" and  "Bive me five!"

Life is good!


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