David : Dec 16, 2012 Tired   

So dad and the Costco tire guy were impressed with me. After 30 seconds alone I cried. Using my mad skills, I manage to drop a tire over myself confining both arms. First time for everyone!  The tire guy could not figure out how I even did it. 


David : Dec 06, 2012 Drinking Buddy   

So why is it that everyone keeps saying they can't wait until they can go out drinking with me someday?  First Aunt Suzy said it and now Daddy says he agrees.  I guess it has something to do with my latest "go with the flow" and "life's too short" mentality.  I'm enjoying being 3.  I pretty relaxed and just tell mommy she's the best mommy and I have decided to just go ahead and do what I am asked because there are a lot less tears shed by everyone that way.  Tonight I was eating dinner with the family and adam and Rebekah didn't last very long at the table.  In the meantime, I ate my beans quietly while Mom and Dad talked about their days.  I occassionally interrupted by saying excuse me and asking if I could eat from my siblings abandoned plates.  I even had some extra broccoli.  My mom was VERY happy.  I think this new persona of mine is fitting for me.


Love, David.

Katie : Dec 03, 2012 Happy Anniversary!   

Thanks for a great 7 years Michael!  I'm a happy wife and the proud mother of 4 beautiful, healthy, and unique children.  I'm so happy to be raising them with you as their father.  Maybe we should go for a couple more :-p

Your loving wife,


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