Adam : Dec 31, 2008 What's up Doc?   

I think the best thing in the world would be to be a bunny rabbit. That would mean that I could eat carrots ALL DAY LONG! Yummy! So, Mommy was feeding me my carrots (straight up) last night and I kept opening my mouth before she could even get another spoonful and start crying if she didn't get them to me fast enough. Then I just sat myself up and leaned forward and tried to face plant the bowl so that I could eat them faster. Come on mommy! I'm a growing boy and I LOVE my carrots!!

Last night mommy, daddy and I were playing a game. I would do my fake cough and then mommy would fake cough and then I would fake cough and laugh. Then daddy would fake cough, so I would fake cough and laugh. We are all such drama queens when it comes to our coughing.

I like to spend the night breaking free of my swaddle and then grabbing onto the crib and try to break out. I'm starting to get good at sitting myself up so my parents better watch out because one of these nights I am determined to break out of that swaddle and crib. I know I'll do it someday! Watch out mommy and daddy!

Anyway, mommy is leaving for LA tomorrow to see baby Aiden and big boy Trevor. I am going to "try" to be good for Daddy but I'll be sure to give him his money's worth! Wish me luck!

Adam Michael