Adam : Jan 28, 2009 7 Months Old today   

My knees are aching, my back is sore, and even my teeth hurt. I'm SO old now! This sitting around all day stuff is getting old. I suppose I better learn to walk or crawl soon so I can get in my exercise. You know, knocking down cups of water and pulling down table cloths. I'm working on it. Right now daddy is gone in Idaho for the week. Yes, you heard me. A WHOLE week! Poor mommy and me. We just sit around at night staring at each other waiting to be entertained. So, now we both just go to bed early because daddy isn't here to make us laugh.

I have four teeth now. I drink out of a regular cup sometimes. I eat a whole jar of baby food (none of this half stuff for me). Mommy wakes up to me with my arms and legs hanging out of the crib as I try to break free. My favorite game is Peek-a-boo (never gets old). I love to babble. Hmm..what else about me..oh yeah...I get cuter every day.

The other day mommy decided to give me a small piece of her banana since I eat my baby banana food all of the time and I have 4 teeth now. She put it on my tongue and I instantly started gagging and throwing up everywhere. Yuck! I have sensitive taste buds.

Well, it's back to sleep for me. Catch you all later!
