Adam : Feb 19, 2009 Swaddle, swaddle go away. Don't come back another day.   

Hello to all my fans. It's been a long time since you've heard from me and I have LOTS of news to share. First things first, I am still getting cuter every day. Yes, I know many of you think that couldn't be possible since I'm so cute to begin with, but believe it. Anyway, let me tell you about my eventful week. Well, a little over a week ago I decided it would be fun to start rolling over onto my stomach in the middle of the night. There was one problem though. I HATED being on my stomach and I would cry and cry until mommy or daddy came and rescued me. We were all getting pretty frustrated about this rolling over thing when it would happen three or four times throughout the night. Mommy thought I'd have to learn to just sleep on my belly. But the problem was I was rolling over and trying to make a jail break at the same time. So sometimes my arms would be hanging out of the crib. One time I had both legs up to my thighs out of the crib (but I was too big to squeeze the rest of me out) and I was stuck!! So finally mommy decided let's get rid of the swaddle even though I could break out of it in just minutes. I've loved my swaddle for 7.5 months but I suppose mommy was right that it had to go sometime. The first night without my swaddle mommy laid me down, tucked me into my blankie, and gave me my elmo doll to cuddle with. I thought this was hilarious. I started kicking the blanket and lifting elmo in the air and grabbing my feet. So, silly mommy could think this was how to put me to bed....and then my memory goes blank. The next thing I knew it was 12 hours later and I was sound asleep on my belly. Mommy had to come in and wake me up the next morning. Now they put me to bed, tuck me in with elmo and leave the room. I immediately flip onto my belly, snuggle with elmo and wake up 12 hours later. I even sleep until 7:30 instead of 7:00 some mornings because my belly is so comfy. It's great.

Now, there's been even more that's been changing besides my good looks and my new sleep habits. One morning mommy put me in my walker and she ran away to the bathroom. By the time she came back I had scooted the entire length of the kitchen and was at the refrigerator pulling the magnets and pictures off (one of my new favorite games). Then she moved me again and got a drink of water. When she turned around I had my hands in the garbage can and was playing with the garbage (so much fun). So then she moved the garbage into the carpetted room and went to make me a bottle. She turned around again and I had scooted my walker up onto the carpet and was playing in the garbage again. Carpet can't stop me!! Mommy wasn't too thrilled, but I was.

Aside from that I also take baths in daddy's tub now. It's officially the boys only bathroom! I get freaked out by the echoing noises, but I like my bath toys so I only get scared for the first few seconds. Then I try to grab my toys before they float away. I don't know how they do it.

Okay, well that's it for now. I'm growing up fast, getting a little more hair (but not much) and learning lots of new things. I'll keep everyone posted.

