Adam : Mar 28, 2009 9 Months Old Today!   

I have now been out of the womb as long as I was in it. I'm a pro at this being a baby stuff now. I think it's time for me to move on to bigger and better stuff now, so I'm going to work on this "toddler" stuff I keep hearing about. I went to the doctor yesterday and I weighed 25 lbs and was 29" long. I am in the 95th percentile for height, the 90th percentile for weight and the 75th percentile for head size. Those little babies better watch out for me. The doctor gave mommy and daddy the okay to let me eat everything but this stuff called eggs and peanut butter. When I got home I went straight for the cupboard and grabbed the Southern Comfort. When mommy said no I looked at her like she was crazy. The doctor said I could have anything. Silly mommy.

So, this week although I was under the weather because daddy gave me his germs (I don't want those kind of gifts anymore) I accomplished a lot. I stood myself up from a sitting position twice. I've gone from my belly to sitting up once. I stood all by myself without holding onto anything. AND I have 2 more bottome teeth coming in. Mommy even got me a tooth brush from the dentist. It's great! I don't want my breath smelling like mommy and daddy's in the middle of the night. The ladies don't like that.

The other big news is that daddy is going away tomorrow. Mommy says it's because he has an important job training to go to. *Sigh* Sounds boring to me. What can be more exciting than watching me dump my toys on the floor? Oh well, his loss. Mommy and I will just hang out this week instead. I'll try to add a new word to my vocabulary before dad comes back (right now I just say "Gay" over and over). Stay tuned.

Gay. Cough. Cough.
