Adam : Apr 15, 2009 I'm Mobile! Watch out here I come!   

So, I have BIG news. I can crawl and stand myself up. My parents keep setting their expectations low for me so I like to surprise them now and again. On Saturday, daddy was cleaning Leonard's (the bearded dragon) cage. I was on the floor and Leonard ran by me across the living room. Well, I couldn't help myself because I wanted to catch Leonard and pull on his tail. So, i crawled after him across the living room. Mommy and Daddy were shocked. Ever since then I've been a crawling maniac. Not only that but I crawl to the couch and pull myself up. I crawl over to my toy table and pull myself up to play with it. Yup. I'm pretty independent now. I'm working on the walking thing but i'm pretty wobbly. I think it's because I've been digging through the liquor cabinet too much.

On Monday, mommy was changing my stinky diaper. I was trying to escape and since mommy didn't want me to get all dirty after she cleaned me up she let me go. And I got up and crawled away with my naked toosh. Mommy had to chase me to get a diaper on me.

I spent Easter with Grandma and Grandpa Dobbs, Great Gma Shum, and Aunt Kristin and Uncle Bryan, and the Sensemeiers. It was great and everybody got me presents! I'm a very spoiled little boy.

Mommy and Daddy let me stay up late all week going to all of the church services. I started thinking church was part of my bedtime routine. I was a very good boy during all of the services. I liked to hear the Good News about what Jesus did for me. It was definitely worth celebrating.

Okay. Well it is time for me to go back to sleep.


Little a (for ankle biter)