David : Jun 01, 2009 Move over Adam...there's a new baby in town   

*Yawn* I'm awfully sleepy in here. Mommy keeps moving around a lot which rocks me right to sleep. My favorite thing to do right now is kick mommy when she is sleeping. I especially enjoy kicking her bladder so that she has to pee all the time. Mommy and Daddy and my big brother still don't know if I'm a boy or girl. I mean it should be obvious..but I want to have a dramatic entrance so I'm going to make them wait it out. I"m not like my big brother. I'm modest and don't think it's proper for a baby to show their goodies to anyone and everyone. I can hear my brother Adam throwing temper tantrums sometimes. What a drama queen. I can tell he's going to be in shock when I arrive. I do like my time with mommy and my big brother at night. Mommy rocks Adam and I to sleep and sings to us.

Well, I'm looking forward to meeting everyone in a few months. I'll keep you posted on my progress in here.

~ Dobblet #2