Adam : Jun 07, 2009 Busy Weekend   

This was a very busy weekend. Mom, Dad, Baby #2 and I all went to Indiana to visit the Will family and the Klemme family. Saturday morning mommy and I went for a long walk to Panera and Target. Then we went to the Will's house and I got to play with all of Nick and Ali's old toys. Those two crack me up. They made me laugh so hard and they were laughing because they thought my laugh sounded like a machine gun. I like my unique cough/laugh. Then we went to visit baby Taryn who is now 3 weeks old. She was boring because she was sleeping so I just went to go play with all of her toys while my mommy held her. I don't see why mommy and daddy want to have another one of those things...they just lay there, but mommy kept saying how cute she was and how I used to be that small (yeah right!).

I bit mommy a couple of times this weekend. She's the only one I bite. I crawl up to her with a big smile on my face, snuggle into her leg and get a mouthful of her calf. Mmm...tasty. I also go up to people's furniture and try to take a bit out of it. What? Is that not normal?

When we got home I was hanging out with daddy in the basement. Mommy was at the top of the stairs. I climbed up the whole staircase by myself to get to mommy (of course daddy was hovering over me the whole time...what a scaredy cat). Watch out world! I can get almost anywhere these days. I am almost one...

I'm exhausted from my long weekend.

