Adam : Jun 14, 2009 Big Week Ahead   

I'm getting excited because the P's keeping talking about our big trip to LA on Wednesday. Mommy & Daddy seem nervous about taking me on an airplane. I don't understand why. I love exploring new things. I'm sure the pilot won't mind if I come join him in the cock pit and press all of those buttons that light up. Mommy says no that I'll have to sit in my seat for 4 hours and be quiet. Oh PUH-lease...I'm sure as soon as everyone on the plane sees how cute I am they'll let me do whatever I want. Right? Oh well, either way I'm excited to get there and meet Trevor & Aiden. I get to look at their pictures all of the time so it will be interesting to see them in 3D.

I had a great time this weekend hanging out with the grandparents. Mom & Dad went out to a wedding on Saturday and left me to play with the GPs. Of course I got lots of attention, played all day, went to the park and read lots of books.

My big first birthday is coming up and I am looking forward to all of the presents I am going to get. Mom thinks I have enough toys because she can't see the living room floor anymore. I tell her you can always stack toys, so don't worry people keep 'em coming.

