Adam : Jun 22, 2009 Happy Belated Da-Da day   

We just flew back from California and now we're safe and sound in good ole Bolingbrook. Can you believe we were in the desert and we came home to WAY hotter weather than in CA. Ugh! I am an expert flier now. I didn't cry when getting my diaper changed at the airport this time. I played with my toys for an hour on the plane. And then I slept the remaining 3 hour plane ride. Piece of cake. I must admit I was a bit exhausted from all of the excitement at the Burk house and playing with the Burk boys, so I was ready for a long nap.

I decided since it was daddy's first "outside of the womb" father's day that I would pick up a few new tricks while I was in California. Here is my latest checklist of things that I can do:

1- Clap my hands
2- I now have my first molar. Ouch! That was painful!
3- Feed myself with my hands.
4- No more formula. Whole milk please!
5- Drink out of a sippy cup sometimes. I still don't drink a lot, but mommy is happy I don't just chuck the cup at her anymore.
6- Say mama and actually direct it at my mama.
7- Ate scrambled eggs for the first time. Then almost threw up scrambled eggs for the first time. Yuck, who eats those things.
8- Got my first professional photo shoot (see my commentary about that below)
9- Sit forward facing in my car seat.

So, back to the photo shoot. Aiden got his 6 month photos taken and I got my 1 year photos taken while out in CA. Well the nutty camera lady has me sit on this blanket and then she starts making high pitched baby noises. At first I just glared at her. Then she kept going on and on so I finally started crying because the lady was nuts. Then she started tickling daddy with a feather duster. Daddy just glared at her (just like I did) and she told him he was supposed to laugh to make me laugh. Daddy and I thought she was nuts. Mommy and Daddy took me for a walk to calm me down and then try again. When we came back mommy explained that I am a serious baby and that it would be better if the camera lady was just quiet and let me play with some toys on my own. There weren't really many smiling pictures of me because you see I was busy contemplating each of the toys put in front of me. Mommy says at least the pictures show my personality!

Okay - gotta get to sleep and get readjusted to central standard time. Thank you to the Burk family for putting up with me and especially my parents all week. Trevor, sorry for destroying your play room!

