David : Sep 29, 2009 Two Weeks Old   

I am almost two weeks old today and I have gotten used to the idea of living with these people for the next 18 years. Of course, dad keeps reminding me that he is changing the locks in 17 years and 50 weeks, so I guess the countdown has begun. My last doctor's appointment I weighed in at 8 lbs 10 oz.

Sunday was a big day for me. I was baptized! I had a lot of people show up to witness the event and we had sandwiches and cake back at my house to celebrate. I was sad to see everyone go at the end of the night but glad everyone could make it out. I gave Dad a rough time that night because I had slept so well during the day I wasn't very tired that night. Fortunately, mom had convinced dad to take the next day off so he could sleep in and catch up on his sleep.

Other big news is that I have rolled over a total of 6 times now. My parents know that this is just a fluke because babies can't really roll over until they are 3 or 4 months old, but I am making them start to wonder since I keep doing it over and over again.

Grandma Karius is leaving tomorrow. I am very sad to see her go, but I am excited that I get to see her again in a month when we make a trip to MN.

Well, that's all I have for now. I am enjoying the peace and quiet while my brother naps. He gets so whiny in the afternoons before his nap. I told him to man up.

Love you all,
