Adam : Oct 02, 2009 Most Lovable 15 Month Old   

I am now 15 months old and I've decided to try a new tactic to win over my parent's affection. I figured it was time for me to start giving hugs and kisses. At first I would only give Mama kisses. Of course this melted her and so I could get away with a lot more if I follow it with a kiss. This was my strategy all along. Next, I started giving baby David kisses. Now I also kiss my stuffed animals especially Bananas and Mickey Mouse. Poor dada. He's been trying to get a kiss but I snub him every time. I know my kisses won't manipulate Dada they way they manipulate Mama so I'm saving them for a time I'll really need to use my charm against Dada. Plus, it's not very manly. So, Dada and I will stick with wrestling and fort building. I'm getting used to this big brother stuff. If I see a bottle lying around I will grab it and stick it in David's mouth. Mama likes this sometimes and doesn't like it at other times. I think she doesn't get a kick out of it if the bottle is a day old or something. I say what doesn't kill you can only make you stronger...

Well, Dada left for Texas this morning. Mama's rule was that he doesn't come back sleep deprived because there is enough of that going on in our house these days. I don't know what she is referring to. I sleep great every night.

Speaking's time for my afternoon nap. Nigh. Nigh.
