Adam : Oct 07, 2009 Day-Did   

Well, despite all of my protesting Day-did is still around and don't tell him this, but I'm kind of fond of the little guy. I mean he has a lot to learn before he is as charming as his big brother, but he has his moments. Whenever I hear him crying I try to find a bottle lying around and give it to him. Sometimes I'll even lean in and give him a kiss on the head if I am in a good mood. Mama has to stop me when I grab his shirt and try to pull him out of the bouncy chair. I guess that's not allowed ( just wait Day-did). This morning I was sound asleep and then Day-did started crying and mama could hear me over the monitor calling out "Day-did. Day-did. Day-did."

I am excited because Becky and Trevor are coming in one week. I can't wait to play with Trevor. He will have to tell me all about being a big brother.

Dada just bought his first Mac. It's a macbook pro or something like that. I like it because the buttons are extra tempting. I find it big of dada to sacrifice his time playing with different kinds of computers so that he can be educated about what kind of computer he should buy for me down the road. Mama is a slacker when it comes to my future electronics.

That's it for now,
