David : Mar 11, 2010 Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'   

Well folks, I am still the happy camper you've known me to be over these last 6 months (yes..I am almost 6 months old now). I sleep through the night consistently, but mom is worried that will stop once I get my first teeth in. My favorite hangout spot is my "office." It's really my activity center but mommy says I look so busy that it is where I get all my work done.

I smile ALL the time. It cracks mommy up. Lately I get to sit in the highchair during dinner. I just smile and laugh the whole time because I'm just so happy to spend time with the family. I also love to roll. As soon as you put me on my back I roll right to my belly. No problem!

Well that's about it for now. Love ya!

Baby Davey