David : May 25, 2010 Momma!   

Hello everyone. Well we are all finally healthy and we had a fun weekend. Adam and I went to the grandparents house on Saturday. It was a lot of fun. We went to the park. On Sunday mom and dad took us to church in the stroller. Then we stuck around for a picnic. Lots of fun. At church momma had to take Adam out and I kept saying "Momma, momma, momma." Momma could hear me over the loud speaker. Last week I kept getting up at 4 a.m. Dada would feed me and then take me back to bed. As he carried me up i would says, "Dada, dada, dada" the whole way back to bed. My bottom two teeth are really working their way in now. Slowly, but surely! I'm still working on the crawling, but I'm content with my army crawl that gets me around entire rooms.

Well, it's back to bed for me. I'm trying to give my parents peace and stay asleep until 6 a.m. We'll see.

