David : Jun 14, 2010 Busy Weekend   

What a fun weekend. Adam and I spent Saturday with the grandparents. When I got home I barely opened my eyes and went straight to bed. Exhausting! On Sunday the family and I went to church. I'm a very good boy in church. I'm usually being passed back and forth like a hot potatoe while Mom & Dad deal with Adam. Adam was pretty good this Sunday though. After church we went to Costco. I love riding around in shopping carts. I kick my legs trying to get the cart to move on my own. I took a nice long nap today and then hung out with Mom & Dad (Adam slept until 5!!!). Anyway, I have mastered crawling so now it is time to do something else. I like to crawl up to raised objects and put my two hands up on the raised object. Then I stand on my feet hunched over. It's like a game of twister. I don't know what to do after that though so I usually just ram my head into whatever is in front of me. I'll figure out how to stand up eventually. Just you wait Adam. Here I come!!

Well, time for more sleep before my busy Monday.

