Adam : Jun 27, 2010 Happy Birthday to me!   

I'm turning 2 tomorrow. I had a great birthday party yesterday with Nana & Grandpa Dobbs, Great Gma Shum, Micky and Jenny. We had hotdogs, mac n' cheese, corn on the cob, and green jello for dinner. I liked blowing out my candles, but I especially liked the ice cream. I got lots of toys. A remote control choo choo, an elmo alphabet school bus, a tool set, and a car ramp. I loved opening my presents.

I had a good time with mommy home and the Burks visiting this past week. We went to the zoo, played with water balloons, played in the sprinkler, and played with my play kitchen. I got a little stressed at the end of the week because I'm not used to sharing. I guess I'll have to work on that now that I am two. Mommy, Becky, Trevor and I went to my first movie on Wednesday night to see Toy Story 3. Ten minutes into the movie the tornado sirens went off and we had to wait in the womens bathroom. Then we had to run out when we had a chance and drive home as fast as possible. We waited out the tornado warning in the basement for 1.5 hours. What a night!

Well, I'm catching up on my rest after a busy week.

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