David : Jan 21, 2011 Mr. Personality - 16 months   

Hello everyone.  It's been a long time since my brother and dad have gotten off the computer so I can actually add to my blog.  They are such computer junkies.  Anyway, I am 16 months old now. I am full of personality these days.  I like to run around the house, preferably in my diaper only.  The minute my clothes come off I feel 10 times better.  I like to run around and then peek around the corner and look at Mommy and lean my body in the room and say "Blah blah blah blah."  It's my way of lecturing her.  Then I go and run away and come back and do the same thing.

Tonight I enjoyed riding my toy car in my diaper and I took a bowl of Cheerios and dumped it on the floor.  Then I got back on the car and proceeded to drive over the Cheerios over and over again until they were all smooshed to pieces.  It was great.  I also like to shake my head no at mommy.  Then she shakes her head back at me.  We proceed to do this over and over again and it thoroughly cracks me up.

I've been eating a lot less these days.  I've decided I'm feeling picky.  But, mom's not worried because I have enough "cushion" on my body.  I am slimming up these days and run around like a pro.  No more baby days for me.  I'm a big brother now!

Well, it's back to bed for me.  Love you all.
