Adam : Nov 23, 2008 B-A-N-A-N-A-S   

I am 21 weeks old now! I will be five months old next week!! Daddy just put up more photos of me and my monkey Bananas. Bananas cracks me up. Such a funny monkey!



Adam : Nov 22, 2008 Party!   

Today is a party day! Mom is going out with the woman folk, leaving just me and pops. So pops decided to invite Uncle Bryan, Uncle Adam, Micky, KranMan, Meyers, and JoeFace. Dad says I still have to go to bed at 7pm. What a downer! That's when the party will get into full force! Oh well. I'll party it up in my crib.


Adam : Nov 22, 2008 Peas are torture!   

So Mommy and Daddy decided to give me peas for the first time on Thursday. They stood around giggling as I witness the horror of green peas! Yuck. They taste like little devils in my mouth stabbing my tongue with little forks as they skip around. Daddy says he likes peas. I think daddy doesn't know what's good.

I got tired of the non-dynamic page layout, so I updated the website. Enjoy the full screen experience, and laugh at the old pinhole view. If you don't know what I'm talking about take away two nerd points.


Adam : Nov 17, 2008 Daddy is Home!   

And the first thing he did was pick me up and we both glared at Mommy together. Then Daddy told Mommy to make up some dinner. Daddy swaddled me and put me on the table next to the taco fixings and put some lettuce on me. He called me his baby burrito. That made me smile. Silly daddy. He's WAY funnier than mommy.

All is well at the Dobbs' house now. Even Uncle Adam has been staying over the past few nights. I sleep better with a houseful of people. At 5:30 I started talking and talking. Then I went to sleep. Then at 6:30 I started talking and telling a funny story. Then I went to sleep. Then daddy came and got me at 7:15. I could have slept more but it was good to see Daddy so I got up.


Adam : Nov 14, 2008 I miss Daddy!   

Where is that guy? Mommy says he's out visiting Uncle Bryan and Aunt Kristin and some dude named Big D. To protest I have begun talking again. That's it! I need to get my point across. So, now I just talk and talk and talk and talk. I got up at 6 this morning and Mommy fed me and then put me back in my crib so that she could take a shower. I just laid in my crib going on and on and on. In my language, "Hu hu hu" means "where is daddy?"

Anyway, I'll make due with hanging out with mommy until daddy gets back. Tick tock Daddy.

Little A

Adam : Nov 09, 2008 Soy is for Hippies!   

What a busy weekend with Mom and Dad. Dad was in charge of the waffle breakfast at church on Sunday so Mom had a lot of shopping to do in order to pick up the necessary items (don't ask her about the 50 lbs of flour -- it's a sore subject). Dad was feeling under the weather Saturday morning so Mom said he should sleep in and get some rest. Well, at 9 a.m. when I went down for my nap Mommy woke up Daddy and offered to do all of the shopping if he was willing to babysit. Anyway, I heard Daddy was on duty so I went in hibernation mode. Mom was gone from 9 - 12:30 and when she came home I was STILL sound asleep! Dad told Mom that it was her turn to take care of me since he had been watching me since 9 (silly Daddy). So, I woke up when I heard Mom was back. Normally I would take a nap at noon but since I slept so long for Dad my schedule was out the window. Mom had a friend over that night and I wouldn't go to bed until 9. Dad went out with his friend to someplace called "Bachelor pad." And he got home 15 minutes after I went to bed. Daddy and I have a schedule figured out.

Mommy is working on getting me just on formula now (bummer), so I am drinking a lot more formula these days. Well, Mommy and Daddy are pretty cheap and figured that the cost of a bottle is 10 cents per ounce. So, that is 60-80 cents per bottle I have. Well, they got some free soy formula junk that I do not like. But, daddy keeps telling me that I owe him 10 cents every time I don't finish my bottle. I can't wait til this free stuff is gone and I can get back to the good stuff. Okay, I'm crying for mommy now so I better go.



Adam : Nov 02, 2008 4 months old (plus a few days)   

It has been an eventful week this past week. My mommy and daddy are so proud of me these days with how well I eat my cereal. Now when I see the spoon coming I open my mouth wide and take big bites and open it again waiting for more. Every time I eat a spoonful mommy and daddy are so proud and they say, "What a big boy." So, I smile really wide because I get a kick out of all of the attention. These parents of mine are pretty easy to please if I get praised just for eating. I can handle that! Today I had my first taste of oatmeal cereal. My parents have been giving me rice cereal up to today.

The other big news is that now I'm on a "clock schedule" and I'm actually doing a pretty good job if I do say so myself. Here's my schedule:

7 a.m. - Wake up and 6-8 oz bottle
9 a.m. - Naptime
10 a.m. - 6-8 oz bottle
11:30 a.m. - 4 oz bottle
Noon - Naptime
2:00 p.m. - cereal
3:00 p.m. - 6-8 oz bottle
3:30 p.m. - Naptime
5:00 p.m. - 6-8 oz bottle
7:00 p.m. - Bedtime

Yup, it's a pretty good life. I occassionally wake up once in the middle of the night for a late night snack still. Like last night, I got up at 3 a.m. and Mommy came to get me. I was being fussy because I wanted to eat but instead Mommy tried to change my diaper. Then Daddy came in because he heard me cry and thought Mommy must have fallen asleep while getting up with me. Mommy thought Daddy was crazy -- where would she have fallen asleep? But, Daddy got a new cell phone yesterday so he stayed up and played with his cell phone while Mommy fed me. I thought this was a lot of fun. Daddy kept showing Mommy things on his cell phone and every time he did I would stop eating to look too. Very cool! Well, I usually go right back to bed after my late night snack, but I thought it was family play time with all of this excitement so I wasn't very happy when Mommy and Daddy left. I was determined to cry to let them know I was annoyed but I blacked out after a couple of minutes and the next thing I knew it was morning time. I slept until 8 a.m. which was actually 7 a.m. since the clocks got turned back. So, I was back on track even with the extra hour.

Mommy is studying for a big test this weekend so Nana came over yesterday to play with me. We had a lot of fun and went out for a walk and everything. Nana showed me all of the halloween decorations around the block. I sit up in my stroller like a big boy now so I get a view of everything. My favorite toys these days are my laptop and the monkey my aunt Suzy got me.

Okay, well I better get back to my schedule.



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