Adam : Dec 31, 2008 What's up Doc?   

I think the best thing in the world would be to be a bunny rabbit. That would mean that I could eat carrots ALL DAY LONG! Yummy! So, Mommy was feeding me my carrots (straight up) last night and I kept opening my mouth before she could even get another spoonful and start crying if she didn't get them to me fast enough. Then I just sat myself up and leaned forward and tried to face plant the bowl so that I could eat them faster. Come on mommy! I'm a growing boy and I LOVE my carrots!!

Last night mommy, daddy and I were playing a game. I would do my fake cough and then mommy would fake cough and then I would fake cough and laugh. Then daddy would fake cough, so I would fake cough and laugh. We are all such drama queens when it comes to our coughing.

I like to spend the night breaking free of my swaddle and then grabbing onto the crib and try to break out. I'm starting to get good at sitting myself up so my parents better watch out because one of these nights I am determined to break out of that swaddle and crib. I know I'll do it someday! Watch out mommy and daddy!

Anyway, mommy is leaving for LA tomorrow to see baby Aiden and big boy Trevor. I am going to "try" to be good for Daddy but I'll be sure to give him his money's worth! Wish me luck!

Adam Michael

Adam : Dec 29, 2008 The New Mrs. Dobbs   

Yay! Uncle Bryan and Aunt Kristin are married!!! Aunt Kristin was B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L. I guess Uncle Bryan cleaned up "ok" as well. He is one smart man for snatching her up before she got away. I really had my heart set on having Kristin as my aunt. Good work Uncle Bryan! When I saw Aunt Kristin right before the wedding I couldn't help but smile lots. I was a little fussy during the wedding but that's because I was just antsy for the "I do" part. I liked the reception a lot because there were lots of pretty things to look at. It was a bit loud for my taste, but then again just about everything is a bit loud for my taste. That's why I'm a baby. It was great getting to meet so many of the relatives that I hear are big fans of my website. What can I say. I do my best to give the people what they want!

Nana and Grandpa looked especially sharp at the wedding! Unfortunately, I had to do my best not to spit up on everyone since they were in their sunday best. Great Gma Shum had a sparkly top on and I loved watching her shimmer! Aunt Suzy and Gma & Gpa Karius took care of me during the wedding. I tried to steal the show a couple of times, but they would usher me out so I couldnt' get too disruptive. I tried to tell them that was my job, but they wouldn't hear any of it!

Mommy is a little concerned about me these days because I've decided I no longer prefer sleeping through the night. Not only that but I get up twice in the middle of the night. The problem is that I have this terrible cough and a runny nose that is quite irritating. Mommy tries to wipe my nose but I just shake my head back and forth really fast so she cant' get me. Then she comes at me with this blue suction thing and she tries to stick it up my nose but silly should know by now that anything coming towards my face goes in my mouth not my nose. So, I fight her (and I must say I usually win). With all that being said, I have TWO teeth now. I'm a busy boy.

Also, I tried carrots for the first time. DELICIOUS! I could eat carrots all day long. YUM YUM.

Well the nanny is back today. It's so nice to be done with all of these amatuers. Nanny Lois will get me back on track. And now that the excitement is over I get to play with all of my new Christmas toys! Yay!

Happy New Year everyone! What will 2009 bring? Hmmmmmm....


Adam : Dec 25, 2008 Christmas!   

Yea it's Christmas! I get lots of presents today. Actually I got to open them last night, but that's way too much work. I just want to play with them! Who's idea was it to chain these gifts up so I have to work so hard to get to them. That's just cruel!


Adam : Dec 20, 2008 All I want for Christmas are my two front teeth!   

This is awesome! I cut my first tooth yesterday while mommy was away. Daddy always said that when I get teeth I can bite just like he did as a baby. I can't wait for my first victim.


Adam : Dec 19, 2008 All by myself......   

So yea, mom left early for some "client meeting" at around 3pm. Pops put me down just after 6 because I was "fussy." Help me out here folks. It's awful, mom won't be back until tonight, so I won't really get to see her until tomorrow. Who's going to take care of me? Pops is more interested in Tasha, his new computer. He says we'll use her to create a webpage allowing everyone to make family pages like mine, but what about micky mouse club? That's my favorite tv show.

Oh, and don't forget, Christmas is here. Yea, it's when we celebrate a certain saviors birth, but it's also a special time of the year when we remember how cute I am, and get me presents!


Adam : Dec 17, 2008 Sweet potatoes!!   

Yummy! This is the first food that I did not gag while eating for the first time. My diet has consisted of green veggies (yuck!) up until this week. Then Mommy gave me Bananas (not my monkey..the fruit..or so she says). I gagged at those until mommy stuck them in my cereal. Then I got used to them. Now today I got sweet potatoes. I smiled after tasting them and then opened my mouth really big for more!!

Next week is Christmas! Yeah! I can't wait for Grandma and Grandpa Karius to come along with Aunt Suzy. And then if that weren't enough Uncle Bryan and Aunt Kristin are coming too and getting married. Hmmm..if I remember correctly...first comes the love, then comes the marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage!!! Sweet! (No pressure Uncle Bryan and Aunt Kristin).

Okay. Back to watching Micky Mouse Clubhouse.

Merry Christmas!!


Adam : Dec 07, 2008 Feeling Better   

I'm still pretty sleepy, but I am feeling a little bit better. I had a fever a little bit last night, but today I'm just fine. I've been sleeping a little extra to help fight this bug I caught. I think I'm done licking doorknobs!


Adam : Dec 06, 2008 Sniffles   

Hey everyone... Cough...Cough.

I'm a little under the weather these days. I've been traveling around a lot and I think I caught something. It's just a common cold, but mom and dad freaked out and called the doctor. They're so lame......


Adam : Nov 23, 2008 B-A-N-A-N-A-S   

I am 21 weeks old now! I will be five months old next week!! Daddy just put up more photos of me and my monkey Bananas. Bananas cracks me up. Such a funny monkey!



Adam : Nov 22, 2008 Party!   

Today is a party day! Mom is going out with the woman folk, leaving just me and pops. So pops decided to invite Uncle Bryan, Uncle Adam, Micky, KranMan, Meyers, and JoeFace. Dad says I still have to go to bed at 7pm. What a downer! That's when the party will get into full force! Oh well. I'll party it up in my crib.


Adam : Nov 22, 2008 Peas are torture!   

So Mommy and Daddy decided to give me peas for the first time on Thursday. They stood around giggling as I witness the horror of green peas! Yuck. They taste like little devils in my mouth stabbing my tongue with little forks as they skip around. Daddy says he likes peas. I think daddy doesn't know what's good.

I got tired of the non-dynamic page layout, so I updated the website. Enjoy the full screen experience, and laugh at the old pinhole view. If you don't know what I'm talking about take away two nerd points.


Adam : Nov 17, 2008 Daddy is Home!   

And the first thing he did was pick me up and we both glared at Mommy together. Then Daddy told Mommy to make up some dinner. Daddy swaddled me and put me on the table next to the taco fixings and put some lettuce on me. He called me his baby burrito. That made me smile. Silly daddy. He's WAY funnier than mommy.

All is well at the Dobbs' house now. Even Uncle Adam has been staying over the past few nights. I sleep better with a houseful of people. At 5:30 I started talking and talking. Then I went to sleep. Then at 6:30 I started talking and telling a funny story. Then I went to sleep. Then daddy came and got me at 7:15. I could have slept more but it was good to see Daddy so I got up.


Adam : Nov 14, 2008 I miss Daddy!   

Where is that guy? Mommy says he's out visiting Uncle Bryan and Aunt Kristin and some dude named Big D. To protest I have begun talking again. That's it! I need to get my point across. So, now I just talk and talk and talk and talk. I got up at 6 this morning and Mommy fed me and then put me back in my crib so that she could take a shower. I just laid in my crib going on and on and on. In my language, "Hu hu hu" means "where is daddy?"

Anyway, I'll make due with hanging out with mommy until daddy gets back. Tick tock Daddy.

Little A

Adam : Nov 09, 2008 Soy is for Hippies!   

What a busy weekend with Mom and Dad. Dad was in charge of the waffle breakfast at church on Sunday so Mom had a lot of shopping to do in order to pick up the necessary items (don't ask her about the 50 lbs of flour -- it's a sore subject). Dad was feeling under the weather Saturday morning so Mom said he should sleep in and get some rest. Well, at 9 a.m. when I went down for my nap Mommy woke up Daddy and offered to do all of the shopping if he was willing to babysit. Anyway, I heard Daddy was on duty so I went in hibernation mode. Mom was gone from 9 - 12:30 and when she came home I was STILL sound asleep! Dad told Mom that it was her turn to take care of me since he had been watching me since 9 (silly Daddy). So, I woke up when I heard Mom was back. Normally I would take a nap at noon but since I slept so long for Dad my schedule was out the window. Mom had a friend over that night and I wouldn't go to bed until 9. Dad went out with his friend to someplace called "Bachelor pad." And he got home 15 minutes after I went to bed. Daddy and I have a schedule figured out.

Mommy is working on getting me just on formula now (bummer), so I am drinking a lot more formula these days. Well, Mommy and Daddy are pretty cheap and figured that the cost of a bottle is 10 cents per ounce. So, that is 60-80 cents per bottle I have. Well, they got some free soy formula junk that I do not like. But, daddy keeps telling me that I owe him 10 cents every time I don't finish my bottle. I can't wait til this free stuff is gone and I can get back to the good stuff. Okay, I'm crying for mommy now so I better go.



Adam : Nov 02, 2008 4 months old (plus a few days)   

It has been an eventful week this past week. My mommy and daddy are so proud of me these days with how well I eat my cereal. Now when I see the spoon coming I open my mouth wide and take big bites and open it again waiting for more. Every time I eat a spoonful mommy and daddy are so proud and they say, "What a big boy." So, I smile really wide because I get a kick out of all of the attention. These parents of mine are pretty easy to please if I get praised just for eating. I can handle that! Today I had my first taste of oatmeal cereal. My parents have been giving me rice cereal up to today.

The other big news is that now I'm on a "clock schedule" and I'm actually doing a pretty good job if I do say so myself. Here's my schedule:

7 a.m. - Wake up and 6-8 oz bottle
9 a.m. - Naptime
10 a.m. - 6-8 oz bottle
11:30 a.m. - 4 oz bottle
Noon - Naptime
2:00 p.m. - cereal
3:00 p.m. - 6-8 oz bottle
3:30 p.m. - Naptime
5:00 p.m. - 6-8 oz bottle
7:00 p.m. - Bedtime

Yup, it's a pretty good life. I occassionally wake up once in the middle of the night for a late night snack still. Like last night, I got up at 3 a.m. and Mommy came to get me. I was being fussy because I wanted to eat but instead Mommy tried to change my diaper. Then Daddy came in because he heard me cry and thought Mommy must have fallen asleep while getting up with me. Mommy thought Daddy was crazy -- where would she have fallen asleep? But, Daddy got a new cell phone yesterday so he stayed up and played with his cell phone while Mommy fed me. I thought this was a lot of fun. Daddy kept showing Mommy things on his cell phone and every time he did I would stop eating to look too. Very cool! Well, I usually go right back to bed after my late night snack, but I thought it was family play time with all of this excitement so I wasn't very happy when Mommy and Daddy left. I was determined to cry to let them know I was annoyed but I blacked out after a couple of minutes and the next thing I knew it was morning time. I slept until 8 a.m. which was actually 7 a.m. since the clocks got turned back. So, I was back on track even with the extra hour.

Mommy is studying for a big test this weekend so Nana came over yesterday to play with me. We had a lot of fun and went out for a walk and everything. Nana showed me all of the halloween decorations around the block. I sit up in my stroller like a big boy now so I get a view of everything. My favorite toys these days are my laptop and the monkey my aunt Suzy got me.

Okay, well I better get back to my schedule.



Adam : Oct 22, 2008 My first real laugh   

Mommy came up to say hello to me today during her lunch break. She started playing with my arms and singing to me. It was hilarious so I just started giggling. Then she did it some more and I giggled again. I've only ever squealed out in delight before. But, mommy was cracking me up so I couldn't help but let out some giggles. My nanny took me out for a walk today in the baby carrier. It was cold out so she put on my winter hat. I have to admit. I looked pretty adorable in my hat.

Mommy worked from home today since I was fussy from my shots and made her get up in the middle of the night. So, her and Daddy did give me cereal for the first time this morning. I just looked at them like they were crazy and got more of it on my face then in my mouth. Are these people nuts or what? Just give me my bottle!

That's all for now!


Adam : Oct 21, 2008 Sooooo BIG!   

Today was the big day for my 4 month doctor appointment. Mommy and Daddy tricked me because I thought I was on my way to Uncle Adam's house because he lives right by the doctor. But, it turns out we were going to the doctor. I was such a good big boy sitting on Mommy's lap in the waiting room. Then the nurse wanted me to take off my clothes and lay on the white crinkly paper. I was doing okay until my back hit the white crinkly stuff. Oh no! I did not like that! I started screaming and my face turned into "Baby Yoda" as my mom calls it. I think the whole doctor's office heard me. Then mommy picked me up and I was better. I weighed in at a whopping 18 lbs 5 oz and I am 26 inches long. Daddy was disappointed. He was hoping I'd make 20 lbs. Silly daddy. I'm just a baby!

Then they brought me back into the room with the crinkly paper. Mommy laid me back down and I gave them attitude. I was not happy about this white paper. So, Mommy finally laid down a blanket and then laid me down and I was happy. Daddy calls me a drama queen. Whatever.

Then it came time for the yucky part of the doctor's visit. SHOTS!! Owie! Mom was worried about how I'd react. The first immunization was a liquid they made me drink. YUCKIE!! I did not like this. It made me vomit and I did not want to drink it. Then came the shots, there were three of them. The first one I just frowned at. The second one I crinkled my forehead. Then when there was a third one I screamed out. I mean come on!! How many are there! But, then Mommy picked me up and I stopped crying right away. I'm a big boy. I can take a little needle!

The doctor said I can start cereal now, but that it's more to get used to eating some different things more than anything else. The doctor said that cereal (despite popular belief) does not make babies sleep through the night better. She said the calorie difference is minimal between cereal and formula/breastmilk. Last night I slept from 8 p.m. to 7 a.m. so I'm doing pretty well through the night anyway. But, I still want to try this nummy new stuff (as long as it doesn't taste like that junk they gave me today). Mommy and Daddy are going to start giving me cereal on Friday so they can both be there when I try it for the first time. Mommy has to work in the city for the next two days, so she doesn't get to see me for very long on those days. I'll make sure Mommy and Daddy put up lots of pictures of my first meal.

Well that's all the excitement from my big day. I'm healthy and growing boy. Time to get some more sleep so I can grow more.

Love, Adam

Adam : Oct 17, 2008 ROAR   

I am so fussy today. My mouth hurts. Everyone keeps saying "You must be teething." But all I know is that I want to chew on everything in sight and drool. And I like to give mean looks at people as they say "Awww you're so cute." This teething business is NOT cute. Today I was playing with cookie monster and he has a cookie in his hand. Naturally, I tried to grab it from him and shove it down my throat. Who doesn't like cookies for breakfast. Usually mommy and daddy can put me to bed and I am conked out until at least 5 a.m. Last night I would have none of it though. Call it teething, call it boredom, whatever it was I would fall asleep and then wake up whining because I was trying really hard to stay awake. Then I made mommy and daddy get up at 3 with me because I figured it was a good time to eat.

I have my doctor's appt on the 21st. I've heard a nasty rumor that I'll have to get shots. NOOOOOO! But I've also heard that I get to start eating this nummy stuff called cereal after my next appt. I don't know what that is, but I hear it's going to be messy! Oh boy! I can't wait!

This weekend my Uncle Adam is moving only 10 minutes away from me! Yeah! Someone new to "play" with. (And by "play" I mean drool on and scream at.) I also get to see Uncle Bryan and Aunt Kristin this weekend and show them all of my new tricks. It is going to be great!!!

Okay, it's my naptime. I'll try to give everyone an update on how this cereal thing goes next week.



Adam : Oct 09, 2008 Off to see the wizard!   

Well another trip to mini-sooooooooooota! It will be good to see the family. Maybe I can give grandpa a surprise?

Adam : Oct 02, 2008 Video Section Update!   

check it out! More videos are up, and the section is way cooler! If you have a web browser from this decade a video will popup right above the webpage. If not it will just take you to the player page like the old version did. Basically it looks super cool.

Thanks to all my peoples out there!


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