Adam : Sep 30, 2008 Missing Monkey   

Lost Monkey --> Bright Orange, Yellow Face, Curly tail, Big Red Smile. Responds to the name "Aguuuu." Last seen at a roadside Oasis in Rockford, IL. Please contact if you have any information on the whereabouts of my monkey. He was a good friend to me and always made me smile. He will be missed :-(

Adam : Sep 30, 2008 3 Months Party   

So for my three month birthday the folks took me out to see grandma and grandpa Karius. The ride up was great. I slept through most of it. I did get to hear a little bit of the debate as mom and dad drove around an I-90 detour around janesville, WI. Probably some kind of cheese flooding.

It was great to see Grandma and Grandpa, while mom went off with her cool friends. She said she went to a bachelorette party. She said that was where mommies go to talk about their feelings. I didn't believe her, but didn't want to risk being stuck in a room with woman talking about their feelings, so I dropped the subject.

On my way out I got to see my Grandpa Karius real close. Wow, I hope I look better than that. He's a funny looking guy, I couldn't help but laugh a little. That's when all the woman starting getting all excited. I'll post the video sometime soon. My dad is helping me get my youtube videos on my site. We just have to work a few more bugs out, but I'll have a video section just like my picture section soon.

Peace out,

Adam : Sep 20, 2008 I'm 12 Weeks Old Today!!   

What a busy week. I've been playing with my new nanny Ms. Baumann all week. We've been having a lot of fun. Mommy officially goes back to work on Monday but I'm ready to let her go. I'm such a big boy now I don't want the other babies on the block making fun of me because I need my mommy all the time. It looks like my two front top teeth may be starting to bud. I drool an extra lot these days and Mommy is starting to put bibs on me. I try to put anything and everything in my mouth and my new favorite hobby is to CHEW!! When Mommy puts me on my belly these days I like to get up on my knees and wriggle around until my knees can't stay up anymore. Then I get right back on m y knees and wriggle around some more. Usually I end up just going in circles, but if I could just learn how to get my arms moving I might start moving forward one of these days.

Check out my new Week 11 photos! I especially like the ones where I am in my fashionable red tie that daddy bought for me. Videos should be coming soon when Mommy and Daddy can actually figure out how to post them.



Adam : Sep 16, 2008 Last Day Alone With Mommy   

Well, today was my last day at home alone with Mommy before she goes back to work. Mommy and Daddy hired a very nice nanny for me and she is starting tomorrow. I'm excited to have a new friend to play with, but I am going to miss my Mommy. I'm pretty sure she's going to miss me too.

Mommy has been sick the last couple of days and I dragged her out of bed at 2 a.m. this morning. So, when I got up again at 6 a.m. Mommy had Daddy feed me. To Daddy's surprise I had liquid poop all up my back and outfit, and swaddler, and bed sheets. Poor Daddy. I felt great after that, but a boy can't keep sleeping in that kind of a mess. What a morning for Daddy to take over baby duty.

Well, I'm trying to catch some Zzz's as we speak so I better get back to it.



Adam : Sep 12, 2008 TGIF   

It's Friday!! This week has just flown by. I guess that's what happens when you're ten weeks old. Mommy has been keeping me really busy with bath time, nap times, walks and play time. I'm getting sick of my boucy chair so I don't use that much anymore. I know we used to be old pals, but I'm getting more and more mobile these days and need to stretch out my legs. Mommy pulled out my walker and I am enjoying being able to sit up and kick my legs around. I can only go in reverse when I get really excited for now but it's a work in progress. Mommy puts different toys in my tray and I go cross eyed trying to look at them. Mommy thinks it's funny and I smile when she laughs. My other favorite thing to do is hold a blankie and put it in my mouth when I try to get my fist in my mouth. If only I was born with my daddy's mouth I'd be able to jam my fist in it. That would be so much fun! So, in the mean time I'll make due with this small mouth of mine and enjoy the hours of entertainment of just trying to get my fist in there. I'm still swaddled every night, but by morning time I have broken free from the velcro prison!! Eventually, Mom & Dad won't be able to trap me anymore, but until then I still like it.

Nana and Grandpa Dobbs came over last night to babysit. We had so much fun that I convinced Mom & Dad to let me go over to their place on Saturday. I'm so glad there are Grandparents to spoil me. They let me stay up a little later and play longer than boring old Mommy.

Okay, well it's time for me to get back to sleeping. Mommy "thinks" I'm down for 9:00 nap, but little does she know I snuck the laptop in my crib. Hahahaha.

Check out my 10 week photos.



Adam : Sep 05, 2008 King of the House   

I am getting so old. I turn 10 weeks tomorrow. My bones are already aching. Mommy was trying to start to put me on a clock schedule today. She is trying to get me to take 3 naps a day around 9 a.m., noon and 3 p.m. All of this nap scheduling made me exhausted so I went to bed at 7:30. Mom took me to visit with Mrs. Mumme and all of her 4 boys today. I had a lot of fun playing with them and they let me play with all of their toys. Finally, a house ruled by men. Daddy and I outnumber Mommy, but Mom still has rule of the place. I still haven't rolled over in front of daddy yet, but maybe I'll try this weekend. We all went out to Chilis for dinner tonight and the waiter gave me a kid menu and crayons. I think it is because mom and dad wheeled me in in my umbrella stroller in my Rookie outfit. I wanted to at least chew on the crayons but Mommy wouldn't let me. What a drag. I bet the Mumme boys would have let me chew on a least the green one.

Anyway, check out my 9 week pics! I'm extra cute this week (especially with my robe and slippers).


Adam : Sep 03, 2008 Tummy Time   

I slept in until 8 a.m. today and Mommy slept in with me. I sure am spoiling her. She won't be able to get used to getting up early for work again in a few weeks. I still made her get up with me at 4 a.m. but that's not so bad. We had a lot of tummy time together this morning. Check out the videos!


P.S. I want to give a shout out to Uncle Bryan and Aunt Kristin. I hope D.C. is treating you well and that you are at least somewhat unpacked. Miss you.

Adam : Sep 02, 2008 Quick Update   

I rolled over twice in a row today. Pretty soon my parents won't be able to keep up with me! Of course, once I roll over I cry in terror at the change of scenery. But, I'll get used to it soon enough!


Adam : Sep 01, 2008 My Week 8 Photos!   

Adam : Sep 01, 2008 Labor Day and Hard at Work   

Phew! It's been a busy weekend. Liz came over and played with me for 3 whole days. I also got to finally meet Mommy's friend Jill! Then last night we drove to IN so I could play with the Will family. I especially enjoyed flirting with Mrs. Will when Mr. Will wasn't around. This morning I rolled over again!! Mrs. Will was there to witness it with Mommy so everyone knows now Mommy wasn't seeing things. Daddy had just left the room when I did it so he missed it. Better luck next time old man.

Well, it's past my bedtime but I wanted to give a quick shout out. Be sure to check out the videos of Mommy and I singing (please excuse my mother's goofy singing..she does what she can to get me to smile).


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