Adam : Oct 14, 2009 Cough. Cough. Sneeze. Sneeze.   

Yucky, I don't feel very good. I woke up this morning with boogers in my hair. This is not very attractive. I was very fussy all night. I had a doctor's appointment today anyway, so I was extremely fussy all morning. I'm not very patient and I hate waiting in the doctor's office. I didn't have a temperature or anything so it's probably just these horrible canine teeth plus a small cold.

Mama is trying to keep me away from David so that I don't get him sick. This I find annoying as well. Pretty much everything annoys me these days.

Anyway, writing this blog is annoying me. I'm going to whine and then go to sleep.



David : Oct 14, 2009 Four Weeks Old   

I went to the doctor today with Adam. There are so many sick kids these days we had to sit in a wellness room to stay away from their yucky germs. Adam cried and cried the whole time at the doctor's office. I just slept. I guess Adam wasn't feeling very well today so he was extra cranky.

Anyway, I weighed in at 11 lbs. 4 oz. And I am now 22" long. I am in the 75th percentile for height and weight. I'm not as big as my big brother. But, I'm a hungry boy so I am working on it.

Last night I finally slept for a 3.5 hour stretch. I still don't sleep for long stretches but I just get up to eat and go back to sleep so the parents find it doable. I've been sleeping in my crib for the last two nights. I like having my own room. I like looking at the squares on the wall that Aunt Suzy painted.

Okay, I"m going to eat and then catch some shuteye.


David : Oct 11, 2009 Rolling Over - Is it a fluke?   

I have now rolled over 15 times. When is this doctor lady going to believe that this is not a fluke. Adam is being decent to me. Pretty much he ignores me. I was screaming in the car seat next to him and all I got was a quick glare and then he stared out the window. I guess I 'll have to work harder to get on his nerves.

I had fun this weekend with Nana and Grandpa. Nana says that I am "Expressive." Mama calls it "Loud." Mama says I sound like a bear eating a goose when I eat. Dada says it sounds like a dying giraffe. I even got looks at church today.'s nice to know everyone has such nice things to say about me. I tell them you just day you'll miss my baby noises.

Well, mama is hoping I sleep more than 3 hours straight tonight. We'll see!

Nigh Nigh!


Adam : Oct 11, 2009 Busy Weekend   

I just had a fun family filled weekend. We kicked off the weekend with a Costco trip. This is always a sign of a good weekend. We loaded up on diapers and formula. On Saturday, Dada took David and I out for a walk to Petco where I got to point at the animals and buy Leonard crickets. It is getting very cold outside so David and I have to spend the first 15 minutes getting bundled up. My coat makes me look like a marshmallow. My arms don't go down all the way to my sides when I am in it. But I don't care because it means i get to go outside. Later that day we went to Nana and Grandpa's house. Mama and Dada went out for a little bit to work on their computers and David and I stayed back to play. Then we had a nice dinner and headed home. I fell asleep in the car and woke up in my crib the next morning. Mama & Dada got David and I ready for church and we were off. After church I took a nap and when I woke up Nana, Grandpa and Great Gma Shum were here. We ate a nummy dinner and I watched Grandpa blow out flickering lights on a chocolate cake. Cool! Later Nana, Grandpa, Dada and I went to the pumpkin farm. They had hay rides, pony rides, a train and little chicks that I got to touch. I had SO much fun. Now I'm sleepy again...I wonder what I'll wake up to tomorrow....

Other news - my top two canine teeth have now cut through. Ouchie. I am extra drooly these days. I also like to say "Up" and run up to mama and say it over and over until she picks me up. I also say "Uh-oh" after something is dropped on the floor (usually by me). My vocab is quickly expanding.

That's it for now. Nigh. Nigh.


Katie : Oct 11, 2009 Yawn   

Sooooo sleepy....

David : Oct 07, 2009 Three Weeks Old   

I like to eat. I like to sleep. I poop a lot. I still haven't slept for more than 3 hours straight but mama appreciates the predictability of my schedule (for now). I have a lot longer wakeful periods these days and I am starting to fuss at times where I'm not just hungry. Sometimes i just want someone to hang out with me. Mama is just happy that is not happening in the middle of the night yet. My bro is being decent to me. I just hate it when he feeds me old bottles. Oh well. It's the thought that counts.


Adam : Oct 07, 2009 Day-Did   

Well, despite all of my protesting Day-did is still around and don't tell him this, but I'm kind of fond of the little guy. I mean he has a lot to learn before he is as charming as his big brother, but he has his moments. Whenever I hear him crying I try to find a bottle lying around and give it to him. Sometimes I'll even lean in and give him a kiss on the head if I am in a good mood. Mama has to stop me when I grab his shirt and try to pull him out of the bouncy chair. I guess that's not allowed ( just wait Day-did). This morning I was sound asleep and then Day-did started crying and mama could hear me over the monitor calling out "Day-did. Day-did. Day-did."

I am excited because Becky and Trevor are coming in one week. I can't wait to play with Trevor. He will have to tell me all about being a big brother.

Dada just bought his first Mac. It's a macbook pro or something like that. I like it because the buttons are extra tempting. I find it big of dada to sacrifice his time playing with different kinds of computers so that he can be educated about what kind of computer he should buy for me down the road. Mama is a slacker when it comes to my future electronics.

That's it for now,


David : Oct 02, 2009 Where did Dada go?   

Well, it looks like the tall guy is gone for a few days. I tried to convince him to take that brother of mine with him but he said both of us boys need our Mama. Mama did a good job getting both of us ready this morning. Adam played in the bathroom while Mama fed me. I hung out in the play pen while Mama changed, dressed and fed Adam. Mama puts both of us in her lap and scoots down the stairs on her bottom to get us both down the stairs at the same time. It looks silly but I suppose it's the safest way to go about it.

Well I'm hungry now. Time to scream for Mama.


Adam : Oct 02, 2009 Most Lovable 15 Month Old   

I am now 15 months old and I've decided to try a new tactic to win over my parent's affection. I figured it was time for me to start giving hugs and kisses. At first I would only give Mama kisses. Of course this melted her and so I could get away with a lot more if I follow it with a kiss. This was my strategy all along. Next, I started giving baby David kisses. Now I also kiss my stuffed animals especially Bananas and Mickey Mouse. Poor dada. He's been trying to get a kiss but I snub him every time. I know my kisses won't manipulate Dada they way they manipulate Mama so I'm saving them for a time I'll really need to use my charm against Dada. Plus, it's not very manly. So, Dada and I will stick with wrestling and fort building. I'm getting used to this big brother stuff. If I see a bottle lying around I will grab it and stick it in David's mouth. Mama likes this sometimes and doesn't like it at other times. I think she doesn't get a kick out of it if the bottle is a day old or something. I say what doesn't kill you can only make you stronger...

Well, Dada left for Texas this morning. Mama's rule was that he doesn't come back sleep deprived because there is enough of that going on in our house these days. I don't know what she is referring to. I sleep great every night.

Speaking's time for my afternoon nap. Nigh. Nigh.


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