David : Feb 26, 2010 Grandma Aunt   

Grandma and Aunt Suzy are visiting. I am really looking forward to the occasion, since they are always quite pleasant.


Adam : Feb 26, 2010 Grandma Aunt Time!   

A little birdie told me that Grandma and Aunt SuzyQ are coming...Awesome! Finally some help in carrying all this stuff from my crib downstairs and back up again.


Mike : Feb 23, 2010 Video Fix   

Yea, ok I lied. The videos should show up faster now.


Adam : Feb 17, 2010 Junk in the trunk   

So I think I might need to clean house a little. When I get up in the morning, I hand momma or dadda my first blanket, micky, elmo, a second blanket, some books and sometime teddy. Now I can't carry any of this, but I have noticed they are increasingly annoyed with having to lug around my stuff. Obviously, the night time routine entails lugging all this stuff back upstairs. I don't know what their problem is... A

Mike : Feb 17, 2010 Welcome!   

Welcome to the new site and host. I moved us to the Google App engine for speed and future-ability! I still have a lot of work to do. However, videos should show-up on the website much faster now. Enjoy!

David : Feb 09, 2010 Giggle Fest   

Hehehehehehehehe...I don't know what it is but everybody cracks me up these days. I LOVE to laugh. Hehehehehehehe.


Adam : Feb 09, 2010 Mommy's Home   

Now where is my daddy? Mommy and daddy have been "vacationing" and left David and I at home. I guess my last tantrums on the airplane made them want to leave me at home. Although I missed them I had such a great time with my grandparents! I loved it!

When Mommy came home she couldn't help it and she woke me up and put me in her bed with her with Elmo and Mickey. David came in too. David and I were so happy to see her we just snuggled in close and giggled and smiled. We missed mommy. Then it was time for us to go back in our own beds and mommy tucked us in and I gave her lots and lots of kisses.

Tonight mommy and I got to hang out and tickle David's feet and I got to hang out in the tub (my favorite place). I'm excited mommy is home and I can't wait to see daddy in a few days.



Katie : Jan 31, 2010 Proud Mama   

I am SO SO SO proud of my boys. David has been sleeping all night for the last few nights. Today he slept until after 6 a.m. What a good boy.

I had to give Adam a bath this morning and while we were waiting for the tub water he wanted to sit on his potty that we had brought up from the basement. He kept sitting and then getting up to check and see if anything was in the potty. Later, before his nap I asked him if he wanted to go to the potty and he went upstairs and sat on the potty. He played with his bath toys for 20 minutes and kept checking to see if there was anything in the potty. There wasn't so I finally convinced him that was enough for one sitting and it was naptime. He wanted to stay (just like his daddy). Then we went to dinner and when we came home I asked him if he wanted to use the potty. He went straight upstairs to the bathroom. He sat on the potty and checked and there was nothing. He got up and shut the bathroom door, sat down and started going potty!!! I was SO PROUD! I called Mike and he told Adam how proud he was. We were so excited and Adam started smiling and clapping. He got some M&Ms and called his grandparents to tell them about his accomplishment.

I know we're nowhere near potty trained, but I was just so excited that he understood the concept. He's not my little baby anymore. Thank goodness I have cute and cuddly little David who is full of smiles and coos to give me my baby fix and Adam is teaching us new things every day.

I love my boys.


Adam : Jan 31, 2010 Pee Pee in the Potty   

I went pee pee in the potty. I like to play legos while I sit on the potty. Then mommy dumped my pee pee in the toilet and I got to flush. Yeah!! And yummy m&ms afterwords.

Maybe I'll try it again tomorrow. Mommy bought me some underwear, but I like wearing them as a hat better.


The Potty Master

David : Jan 26, 2010 4 month old check up   

Well, since mom and dad are SO busy they I have to blog about my own stats at my last check up. Man, talk about second born syndrome. I'm writing my own baby book! Anyway, I weighed in at a whopping 20 lbs 3 oz. That is 2 pounds larger than my brother was. There is now only 10 pounds that separates Adam and I. Watch out Adam...I told you not to pick on me. I will outgrow you! I am 26 and 3/4" in length and 50th percentile in head size. Again..no jokes! Yesterday I ate 42 oz in bottles. Daddy says he is going to put me on baby weight watchers. Normally I only eat 30 oz but I couldn't help it. I was SO hungry. Now mommy is refusing to feed me when I wake up in the middle of the night because she says I am getting too used to midnight snacks. Last night I screamed at her in protest but then I don't remember what happened. I woke up in my crib. Drats...foiled again!

I took my first airplane ride last week! So much fun! I was much better behaved than my brother was, but I guess he did alright. Flying just made me sleepy. I would sit in the front of the stroller and Adam would bang against my seat. He thinks it's funny to push me around. You just wait Adam!

Okay, well I have a busy sleeping and eating schedule. Time for me to go!

Nigh nigh!


P.S. I also ate solid food for the first time today. I didn't care for it. I just cried until my parents put me to bed.

David : Jan 09, 2010 Sleeping   

I am getting hooked on this sleep schedule of mine. Three naps a day. Gotta love nap time. Mommy wants me to stop waking up at 4:11 a.m. every day. She would be happy if I would cut out my 4 a.m. snack. I'll get there. Adam has been an amazingly good brother lately. He is quite entertaining. Okay, speaking of he is whining now because he wants to blog for me. Forget it..I'm going back to bed.


Baby Davey

Adam : Jan 09, 2010 Watching Sesame Street   

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Katie : Dec 31, 2009 Happy New Year!   

Happy New Year everyone! This past year FLEW by! In 2008 I welcomed my first son Adam. In 2009 I welcomed my second son David. What will 2010 have in store? Who knows. But, what I do know is that I feel EXTREMELY blessed and am thankful for my houseful of Dobbs boys and look forward to another year of milestones!

Wishing everyone a very blessed New Year.


Mike : Dec 31, 2009 Update   

I see it has been a while since my last update. I am growing tired of hearing about my Jul. 22 post. So here is an update!

I got a macbook pro. I started a nerdy blog to keep track of my freeBSD Notes As you can see I setup my FreeBSD box to act as a remote server for my TimeMachine backups. In normal speak that is I can automagically have my laptop backup all the cool videos and pictures wirelessly when I am home.

I started using iMovie to create the movies. That's why you see all the cool transistions.

We got an HD camcorder, returned it, and got a HD Flip mino. I was planning to keep our 640x480 cameras for now, but we liked the HD quality. So we got another flip.

I am planning for some nice upgrades to this site (with Adam), but have been busy working on my church website at http://www.divineshepherdlutheranchurch.org/ Save your keyboard and use the link! :-)

I haven't been playing Racquetball this season, since Dan, the guy that sets it up, never called me to let me know when it starts and who I am playing. I plan on signing up officially in a couple of weeks.

That's all for now. Look for updates in about 5 months!


Adam : Dec 31, 2009 Mickey's Diaper Change   

I have been paying particular attention to Mommy and Daddy and the Nanny's habits when it comes to child rearing. In doing so, I have found that they are neglecting an entire basketful of individuals in our living room. So, starting the other night I have found the need to pick up on their slack and start giving diaper changes to my friends Mickey, Pooh bear, Agu, Teddy, etc. Mommy helped me out with Mickey's diaper since him and I are the same size. I grab Mickey and put him up on the changing table. Then I take him down and give him a kiss. Then I put his head over my shoulder and pat his back (I see everyone do this to David often) and say "Shhh". Then I put Mickey in the baby walker and get him a bottle. A couple of hours later I start with the diaper change again.

This parenting business is a lot of work. But somebody needs to take care of Mickey!

Daddy Adam

David : Dec 31, 2009 19 pounds and counting   

Mommy and Daddy have been looking at me funny lately. They keep whispering something about me being even bigger than Adam and wearing clothes that Adam wore at 6 months. Mommy finally took me into the bathroom and weighed me in on the scale and I came out at a whopping 19 pounds. I am 15 weeks old and 19 pounds. My brother Adam was 18 pounds 5 ounces at 17 weeks. So, I have already surpassed him. Mommy is putting me in all of my Christmas clothes now so I can take advantage of them before I outgrow them. Oops! I'm just always so hungry!! I eat 6 oz bottles now and about a total of 30 oz a day.

I slept through the night twice this week (until 5:30 a.m.). The one problem with that is then I am awake and my parents have to play with me at the crack of dawn (actually there is no dawn..it's wintertime..it's just always dark).

Well, I'm packing my bags to head over to Nana and Grandpa's house to ring in this thing they call the "New Year." Mmmm...just the sound of that makes me hungry...


Adam : Dec 25, 2009 Merry Christmas!   

Oh boy! What a Christmas!! Last night Nana and Gpa Dobbs came over and we got to open a bunch of presents. I LOVED present opening!!! I would rip off a little piece of paper and then hand it to Nana to throw away and repeat the process. I loved my gift from Mom & Dad...a broom and mop! I was SO excited when I opened it. Then when I realized I would get more toys with every wrapped box I was even more excited. I got some "Cool Dude" sunglasses, a new toothbrush, outfits, and hershey's kisses! Yummy! I even got to open David's presents and I would give him the ones I didn't want to keep for myself. Then we went to Christmas Eve service. I got to play with my stickers during church and I rocked out to "We three kings."

On Christmas we went to church in the morning and I was a very good boy! I loved the Christmas music. Then we went to Nana and Gpa Dobbs' house. We got to eat more food and OPEN MORE PRESENTS!! I really liked David's mobile. I may keep it for myself. The more electronics in my crib the better!!! I am a little under the weather right now, but nothing will keep me from enjoying the Christmas festivities.

Well, since I can't say Merry Christmas yet I will leave on this note....



David : Dec 25, 2009 My First Christmas   

Hello everyone,

It's been awhile, but I figured it was time for me to say hello and wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. This was my first Christmas and my first observation is that my brother Adam got three times the presents as me. AND Adam opened all of my presents and if they were good ones he would put them in his pile to play with. Oh just wait until next year brother Adam... We spent the day with Nana and Gpa Dobbs, Great Gma Shum, and Uncle Bryan and Aunt Kristin. It was a lot of fun but I was wiped after the gift opening.

I can't wait until next year when I can eat all of the food everyone was flashing in front of me this year.

On that note, Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night!@


Adam : Dec 05, 2009 Communication Skills   

Since I've last posted I've been working on my communication skills. I have learned that four phrases that can go a long way. Let me give you some examples:

UH-OH: This word can be used in many references. First is the classic I have dropped something and I want you to pick it up. There is also the David is crying Uh-oh. I have also used uh-oh in the middle of my screaming fits "Waah. Waah. Uh-oh. Waah." to indicate I am not happy. If I want out of my carseat "Uh-oh." If I am thinking about doing something bad..."Uh-oh." If I am hungry and waiting in my high chair patiently for food..."Uh-oh."

NO-NO-NO: If I am in a silly mood I will shake my head at mommy and smile and say "No-no-no." If I am mad at mama I will shake my head and scream "No-no-no." If mommy has said no to something I will walk up to it and point at it and say "no-no-no."

UP: This is one of my favorites. If I want to be picked up "Up." When I am done eating "Up-up-up-up!" When I want out of my crib "Up! Up!" When I want to go outside "Up!"

NIGH NIGH: When I want to go to bed "Nigh. Nigh." When someone is leaving I tell them Nigh. Nigh. and blow kisses.

Who needs sentences when you have these four basic phrases. Throw in a few kisses and you are set!



David : Dec 05, 2009 More to Love   

Well, I've been stuck with these people for 2.5 months now and I'm adapting well. I am outgrowing all of my clothes quickly and am jumping straight to the 6 month outfits. I barely even touched my 3 month outfits. Daddy keeps saying he's going to put me on a diet because my cheeks are overtaking my face and I am developing rolls on my arms and legs. My response is it's just more of me to love! Daddy looks at me shocked when I scarf down a 6 oz bottle, but hey he's the one that gave me the big boy Dobbs genes.

My favorite thing to do besides eating is smiling. Daddy can't get over the fact that anything will make me smile. A diaper change, picking me up, a simple hello. All of these things I find pleasing and will smile at. Sometimes mommy will notice I'm not sucking down my bottle anymore because I'm too busy smiling at her. I don't find this behaviour abnormal but my parents just aren't used to it because my brother adam would just glare at people at my age.

I had fun celebrating Thanksgiving and an early Christmas with the Karius'. Grandma Karius bought me some peek-a-boo books because Adam already ripped away the "surprise" out of all of his hand me down books. If I have to hear "Where's the baby?" one more time when the baby is staring at me on the page. And then Mommy will say, "there she is behind the blanket" but there's no blanket, just a ripped edge. That brother of mine! Thanks Grandma K for my own collection of books.

Well, I need to go eat something and smile at somebody.



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