Katie : Sep 17, 2009 Family of Four   

The day has come. I am surrounded by my Dobbs boys! I would have never believed it but I had a baby one week before the due date without being induced. I was so certain that I would not have the baby before the 20th that I hadn't even thought about anything happening earlier. But, little did I know when I woke up at 5 a.m. and was feeling like my stomach hurt that I'd be having a baby 19 hours later.

I was having very mild contractions that morning. They were about 8 minutes apart and lasted for 20-30 seconds. We called the doctor and found out that my doctor actually wasn't even on duty that day so if I went into labor it would be someone that I never even met that would deliver me. My doctor's philosophy was that I have big babies so she is happy to break water and/or give pitocin to speed things along if things are progressing well. The doctor on duty doesn't even like to break water and likes to keep things as natural as possible. So, the doctor on duty told us to stay at home until the contractions are 4-5 minutes apart and one minute long. Mike and I then went to work.

By around 11 I decided I wasn't getting much done and the contractions were still light but still happening. So, I decided to take a nap. (Smart move). I worked for another hour and at 2:00 I decided the contractions were getting stronger so I should just sit upstairs and focus on timing them. At 4:00 I was trying to call Mike because they were getting stronger and longer and I knew it would take Mike a little while to come home. Of course after 20 minutes of trying to get a hold of Mike I finally had to press zero and have his secretaries hunt him down. He got home around 5 at the same time Grandpa came over to pick Adam up and have him sleep over at the grandparents house. At this point I was coming to terms with the fact I was about to have a baby. The contractions were getting really strong especially if I stood up. It was time to go!

When we got to the hospital at 5:30 p.m. I told Mike to park in the garage and not the ER because they were going to make me walk anyway so I might as well walk to Labor and Delivery. Well I could barely take two steps and then I was in a lot of pain. A woman saw the look on my face and she got me a wheelchair and wheeled me to Labor & Delivery. Poor Mike looked like the guy making his wife walk, but it was really my idea. When we got there I was 3 cm dialated but the contractions weren't catching on the monitor so they were talkig about sending me home even though they were about 4 minutes apart and I was in a lot of pain at this point. So, they told me to walk the halls for an hour until 7:15 p.m.

This was VERY painful. The contractions were right on top of each other and I'd go two steps and then spend 2 minutes pressed to the wall in pain. These contractions were much harder than with Adam. When they checked me again I was only 4 cm but thankfully they agreed they wouldn't send me home. By the time I got my epidural around 9 p.m. I was 7 cm dialated. My water bag was right there but not breaking. They told me to get some sleep. I relaxed for the next 3 hours enjoying the break from the contractions. Mike was snoring like a lumber jack on the couch. Finally at midnight she checked me and I was a 9 with the head very low but that water bag just wouldn't break. So, she said she called the doctor and get her to come to the hospital since I would be ready very soon.

The doctor broke my water at around 12:45 a.m. Then she said she was going to be right outside doing some paper work. I was like, "Oh no." I'm ready to push this kid out now. I pushed twice and the nurse told me to stop and she told the doctor the baby was going to be out in a couple more pushes. So then I had to spend a few minutes not pushing which is one of the hardest things in the whole world. Three more pushes later David Gary was born at 12:57 a.m. Mike and I's first comments were "He's so small." The doctor and nurses thought we were crazy because they thought he was big.

David screamed the whole time they cleaned him up and he weighed in at 8lbs 6 oz and was 20" long. Then they gave him to Mike and he stopped crying right away. It was nice to spend the next hour just the three of us. David nursed like a champ. I was in shock but so thankful to be so blessed. More than the relief of labor being over is just knowing that your little guy is healthy.

Well...David is stirring right now. I think he's ready for an afternoon snack. These boys are going to keep their Mama busy.


Adam : Sep 17, 2009 David Who?   

Grandma is at home watching me today. She keeps telling me that David is coming home with Mama and Dada today. I don't know who this David is, but I suppose we have spare room in Leonard's cage or possibly one of my toy bins. Dada stopped by the house today and picked up my old car seat. I don't know what he's thinking. I won't fit in that anymore. These crazy parents.

I went to the hospital yesterday to visit mommy. She was just lying around in bed. Is that all she's been doing these last couple of days? I was okay with it though because her bed had all of these fun buttons that I got to push. It was great. There was also this little thing in a blanket that would move occassionally. I poked at it a couple of times and then returned my attention to the buttons. Maybe Mama's bed's name was David. That would be cool if she brings those buttons home.



David : Sep 17, 2009 I'm going home today   

Well it looks like I am ready to go home today! Mama and I are doing very well and I am eating well so it looks like they'll be taking me home around 5. I"m going to give Mom and Dad a run for their money tonight because they've been shipping me off to the nursery in between feedings every night. This hospital business is okay but i'm ready to go home and see all of these "hand me downs" from my brother. I hope he didn't break everything before I get a chance to use it.

I'll keep everyone posted on how this family of mine is tending to my beck and calls.



David : Sep 16, 2009 Hello   

Hello everyone my name is David Gary Dobbs. I was born Sept. 16, 2009 at 8 Pounds 6 oz and
20 inches long.

David : Sep 11, 2009 9 days and counting!   

Mommy just had another doctor's appointment. She is not dialated, my head is still high and she is 50% effaced. I'm probably not coming until the 20th but Mom and Dad are okay with that. Adam says he's okay with waiting even longer.

See you all soon!


David : Sep 05, 2009 I'm a Boy!   

Well, it's official! The P's finally snooped and found out that I am OBVIOUSLY a boy! Mama told the doctor at her appointment on Friday that she hadn't felt me moving quite as much as usual. (Well, duh mama it's because I'm wedged into this uterus like a can of sardines). Anyway, the doctor's machine was broken so they wanted mama and dada to go to the hospital and get everything checked out. This included a monitor, which I was sleepy for that hour so i guess I didn't pass that test. So, then they wanted to follow it up with an ultrasound test. I passed this test with flying colors and Mama and Dada decided who cares about waiting and they found out I was a boy. Good thing. I was worried that Mama was going to take me home in a pink outfit or something. Pink is NOT for boys. I don't care what these metrosexual males are telling you these days.

My name will not be announced until my birthday which is planned for 9/20. Until then I shall continue to carry on the family name of Bob Rob Dobbs.



Adam : Sep 02, 2009 Something funny is going on around here   

Aunt Suzy, Aunt Sarah and Chris (aka DC) left a few days ago. I was very sad to see them all go. It was so much fun having an entourage the last 2 weeks. There was always someone at my beck and call. And they took me fun places too. We went to the zoo and to the children's museum. I had SO much fun at both. I laughed a lot at the Tiger at the zoo. He was the best playing around in the water. The children's museum was a blast. There were all of these toys everywher and they let you play with them too. I got to play with a larger than life Lite-Brite and be inside of a bubble and go down a wind tunnel with goggles on. GREAT STUFF!

Anyway, as my aunts were trying to distract me with these outings they couldn't fool me that something is going on. Aunt Suzy was putting smelly stuff on my walls one day and Nanny Lois had to put me in a crib in a second bedroom. Hmmm..where did this crib come from? I didn't realize I had a backup. Then after the smelly stuff went away there was a lion and a leopard and a panda and birds looking into my crib. Where did they come from? I guess they were lonely and wanted to hang out in my room. I enjoy pointing at them and making the "Tsssss" noise (okay people..I can only make the snake animal sound). The next day I noticed that Aunt Suzy was putting smelly stuff on the second bedroom walls. These were much more boring than my exciting animals, but i went in there to check it out and there were all of these multicolored squares on the wall next to the spare crib. Hmmm....what is going on?

Now I suddenly have this new toy in my crib. It has Agu in it and a fish and bubbles and blue dim lights and plays rainforest noises. I like to contemplate this toy at night and turn it on and off before bed. But, then I heard mommy tell daddy that she hoped I wouldn't be mad when they move my toy to the other baby's crib. What other baby? Hmmm...I am getting very suspicious.

I am continuing to get more teeth. I'm getting some pointy ones now. I'm going to have a full set of chompers ready for this "new baby" if it tries to take any of my toys.

When daddy came back from his bike ride tonight we started wrestling on the floor. I get so excited when daddy plays with me. I start running away from him and after a few tickles I scramble over to mommy and practically climb onto her head trying to escape daddy. That daddy is so fast he gets me every time. I'm also really enjoying walking these days. Mama and Dada are so proud of me that I don't give up so easily anymore. I'm still very cautious about the steps I take but I do prefer not to have to get on my hands and knees anymore. (Mama doesn't keep the floor clean enough for my liking).

Okay..back to bed.


Adam (the "best" baby in this house)

Adam : Aug 28, 2009 from adam   

""'''"/n09olyhl.=.=t efty7iiok,jgfb0p\ef

David : Aug 28, 2009 I'm coming in 3 weeks!!!   

Mommy and I went to the doctor today and everything looked good. I am 36.5 weeks now. The doctor told mommy that she would be okay with setting an induction date because she thiinks I will be a big baby. So, the date is 9/20. Mommy and daddy are very excited to have a set date that I will be here by. Adam is not quite as excited, but he'll learn to love me. So, get ready everyone. Just a few more weeks.

Adam : Aug 13, 2009 Molars Gallore!   

I have been feeling pretty crummy this past week. I just got another molar on top and there's another one breaking it's way through. But, i think I've made it through my rough patch and I am feeling better. I was nice to mama tonight and we played all night after she came home from work. I brought mama the bag of lucky charms and she pulled out a handful for me and I picked out all of the marshmallows and then let her have the rest. Yup, I'm only one but I'm already picky for just the marshmallows. I'm walking more and more now. I really don't take more than a couple of steps between furniture but I'll get there eventually.

My favorite show is Choo Choo Soul. I like to stand by the TV and dance when it comes on. We sing about veggies and beatboxing and animals. It's great.

Okay, it's past my bedtime. Nigh Nigh!


David : Aug 13, 2009 34 weeks   

Yeah! I'm 34 weeks old now. I'm about 4.5 lbs and 18 inches long. My heart rate has consistently been in the 150s and mama is doing well also. I move around a lot although there isn't a lot of room to do so. Mama thinks I'm all curled up in a ball right in the middle of her belly.

Adam and I were busy tormenting mama last weekend when dada was away in St. Louis. I was laying on mama's spine in just a way that made it hard for her to walk. Adam was extremely cranky because he was sick and teething and wanted mama to carry him everywhere. Poor mama was trying to carry two babies at the same time and we were both beating her up. We were all very happy to see dada come home on Sunday.

Well, I'll keep you all posted on my progress. Mama will be having weekly doctor's appointments now. The time is a coming!!!

Baby #2

Adam : Aug 01, 2009 Happy Birthday Mama and Uncle Adam!   

Mama is going to be SO OLD tomorrow. I find it funny that my only two uncles share birthdays with my mama and dada. I hope mama and dada don't get any ideas about my future siblings. June 28th is my day and I'm not sharing!

Anyway, I've been a pretty busy boy lately. I talk a lot. I don't really say anything that makes sense, but it works for me. I love to go around the house pushing my cars and saying "lalalala." I also love making the sound of a snake "Tssssss..." Mama was playing air drums in the car today and I just laughed and laughed and then I would make the noise too. Then we were listening to Old MacDonald and I would go "Mmmmmmm" every time the cow said "Moooo." These are great noises.

This morning Mama and I made Dada blueberry scones. We have all of these nummy blueberries from the grandparents and mama is trying to think of fun ways to eat them. She gave me some of the scones and I spit them back out. Yuck. I'll stick with blueberry pancakes. Mama gave me blueberry pancakes this morning and I started throwing them all on the floor. Then she wiped me up and put me on the floor so she could clean my highchair. While she was doing this I crawled over to my collection of blueberry pancakes on the floor and started eating them smooshing the blueberries all over my face. Mama caught me and said, "Oh Adam!" I guess I looked pretty guilty with blueberry all over my face. I'm a boy..blueberry pancakes taste much better after they've been on the floor for awhile. My motto..."What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

Dada and I have a new game. We like to have tea parties. But, these aren't those girly tea parties. It's a "Freshly Brewed Iced Tea, No Lemon Party." Dada gives me a big tea glass and I take an imaginary sip and go "Ahhhh." Then I let dada take a sip and he says "Yummy." Then I continue to drink. These parties are delightful.

Okay, well more to come later. I have to get some sleep so I'm not cranky on Mama's birthday.



David : Aug 01, 2009 32 1/2 weeks   

*Stretch* *Yawn* It's getting awfully cramped in here, so I like to tuck my feet in right under mommy's ribs and then stretch so my head pushes on her bladder. That bladder sure is soft and cushy. Mommy and I went to the doctor last week and we both were cleared with a clean bill of health. I have a strong heartbeat, my head is down and I'm about 4 lbs now. Mommy's been doing a lot of walking lately because she keeps taking me on a train with her into the City. Mommy is working really hard these days and I'm making sure to exhaust her so she's asleep as soon as she hits her pillow.

I can't wait to meet everyone in a few weeks. Especially that brother of mine. I have a few tricks up my sleeve for him...

Baby #2

Adam : Jul 26, 2009 Lean Mean Walking Machine   

Hello everyone -

Well I finally took my first unassisted steps on Friday night. Mommy had left her desk garbage can in the kitchen and I was busy finding things in the house to throw inside of it (like the camera, my hat, some lipstick, etc). Then I would grab onto chairs with one hand while holding my garbage can in the other. Next thing I knew I was carrying the garbage can with both hands and I took 2 or 3 steps on my own with no support. Of course, I haven't done it again and Mommy thinks it will probably be awhile before I'm full fledged walking. I have this thing where I don't see the point in walking if I'm not holding onto something. Crawling gets me from point A to B just fine.

This morning Mommy and Daddy and I were hanging out in their bedroom and we were trying to get daddy to wake up for church. I was being very lovey dovey and Mommy kept asking if she could have a hug and I would put my head on her shoulder and then look back at her with a big smile. She would ask for a hug again and i would do it again. I was so proud of myself everytime I did it and I saw it made Mommy very happy. Then Daddy asked me for a hug and I just pointed at something across the room. Silly Daddy...hugs are saved for the ladies.

So, I no longer want mommy to sing to me before bedtime. I now want to play a new game with her every time before a nap or bedtime. I point at an animal on the wall and I wait for Mommy to make the noise. Then I point at a new animal and wait again. Well, mommy is not quite on the ball with this. This is usually how it goes..She changes my diaper and I point at the monkies. Mommy is very good at this noise. Then I point to the snake. I LOVE the snake. It makes the funniest noise and I like to make that noise too. Then we sit in the rocking chair and I point at the zebra. I guess a zebra says, "Neigh." Then I point to the Koala bears. I guess they make nibbling noises (mama says it's because they eat a lot). Then I point to the flamingo. Mama's flamingo sounds like a chicken "Bawk." I find this very funny because I don't think flamingos sound like chickens. Then I point to the turtle and mama says "Turrrtle, turrtle" in a deep voice. I've never met a turtle before that can talk. Silly mama.

My nanny broke her wrist last week and Mama and Dada told me I'm supposed to be nice. Good thing they got those baby gates to wrangle me in a couple weeks ago. Nanny Lois isn't supposed to put more than 5 lbs of weight on her arm with the cast, and I'm not a light weight. But, we're managing and I'm trying to be a good boy for her.

Well, I am expecting some messages on my guest book now. Come on people! I turn one and you all forget about me?!?!



Mike : Jul 22, 2009 Racquetball   

The Nanny broke her wrist rollerskating last weekend. Katie is super busy at work. So that means that I have to drive Adam to Lori's place Mon, tues. and wed. this week. Well tuesday I had Racquetball at 6. Not a problem I thought, they have a kid center just for events like this. $2 paid for the hour. Adam cries when I dropped him off with lady A. I gave the Lady some milk and told her i was going to be in the Racquetball court. No one every asked me my name or gave me anything to identify me with Adam.

Then after a game, I went back to the kid center. Lady B (Lady A was long gone), asked if this kid (Adam) was mine. I said yes. She told me that they called my name about 15 minutes ago wanting me to pick him up, because he just wasn't happy. Adam was really happy to see me.

Then to top it all off. I forget his milk. So after changing, I went back to the kids center. With about 5 kids running around in the center, there was no adults to be found. After looking around for 5 minutes, Lady B finally come out of the back area and says that I forget my milk.

Wow! First and last time my kids are going there!


Katie : Jul 15, 2009 These Kids Today...   

Beating up on their mommy. But, I love every minute of it!

David : Jul 15, 2009 30 Weeks   

Sweet! 10 more weeks and I'm outta this place! I am about 3 lbs now and weighing mommy down. I kick my brother a lot because he is always in mommy's lap and it is getting cramped in here let alone with him climbing all over us like we're a jungle gym. Older brothers...sigh! My last doctor's visit went well. I have a good strong heartbeat! I can't wait to see everyone soon!

Baby #2

Adam : Jul 15, 2009 Toes..Mmmm...Delicious   

So, daddy and I have this new game that we like to play to annoy mommy. When we are all in the car together Daddy tells me to suck on my big toe. So, then I grab my foot and start sucking on my big toe. Daddy starts laughing and mommy says, "No, no, no, no. Icky." This makes me laugh long enough to put my foot down. Then I grab it again and we go through the same cycle. These parents are hillarious. Mommy says I'm going to be the weird kid in Kindergarten that sucks on his feet around the story time mat. I think that trick will score me lots of friends.

Today I was standing at the coffee table (not holding on to anything) and I started throwing everything on the floor. Mommy said, "No Adam." So, I bent over (still not holding onto anything) and started picking things up off the floor and putting them back on the coffee table. This made Mommy very happy.

I still have a few tricks up my sleeves.


Adam : Jul 09, 2009 Home again!   

Well, after two weeks of nonstop travelling and partying I am finally back home again with the P's and my younger sibling just relaxing. Ever since I've been home I've been taking extra long naps and sleeping in until 7 a.m. It's so much easier to sleep without daddy snoring in the room! I missed my own bedroom. We went down to Pigeon Forge, TN over the 4th of July for the Shum family reunion. I had a lot of fun being the center of attention. I would make sure mommy got up extra early every morning. Then we would wait a few hours for the rest of the family to get up. Such slackers!

I got to watch fireworks from the deck on the 4th of July. They were interesting, but didn't hold my attention for long. So, mommy took me back to the bedroom to rock me to sleep. Then we saw the grand finale from the bedroom and I stopped drinking my bottle to watch. When it was all done I started clapping. Mommy thought that was very cute. I glared at her. "Duh. That's what you're supposed to do after a show."

My favorite activity at the family reunion was playing with the boombox. I would turn it on and start to dance then turn it off then turn it on then turn it of then turn it on..... Mommy said I should lead us all in musical chairs.

Last night I was playing with daddy's desk drawers. Then I fell and hit my mouth on the drawer. I started bleeding like CRAZY! This scared mommy. She ran to get a cold wash cloth. Daddy was holding me and when mommy came back daddy's whole shirt was covered with blood. But, I'm a big boy. I just bit my lip. After mommy made me feel better we all went downstairs to play. Mommy put me on the race car toy Grandma Karius got me and started pushing me from room to room. I liked this a lot! Whenever we would pass by Daddy I would lean over and wave at him so that he saw me. Then we'd drive by again and I'd smile and wave. This definitely made my lip feel better.

Okay, well I need to get back to telling the nanny what to do. (I mean..playing with the nanny).



David : Jul 08, 2009 Move over Daddy! Your 29 week old needs its room!   

Ahh..finally back in a king size bed with mommy. On Monday night mommy and I were cramped in a minivan driving back from Tennessee. We stopped at a hotel with a double bed and mommy & daddy didn't have much room to move around. Daddy was lying with his back to us and mommy's belly was pressed right up against his butt. For 10 minutes I just kept on kicking and kicking and trying to push daddy out of the bed so I could have more room. Mommy thought it was funny that Daddy was getting his butt kicked by little old me. Daddy was fast asleep though and no matter all my efforts I couldn't get him to budge.

Now we're back home again and mommy has room to stretch out. Although I still like to kick her a lot at night and during the day because it is really starting to get cramped in here. Only 11 weeks to go!


Baby #2

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