Adam : Aug 07, 2010 I like Waweyes!   

Tonight mama was putting me to bed and I insisted that she read me the Minnesota ABCs book. When mama got to W is for walleye I shouted "Waweye!!!"

We walked to a mexican restaurant tonight. David fell asleep and slept in his stroller, but I got to sit at the table with mama and dada. I unrolled my silverware and started putting chips on my plate. Then when the soup came out we all prayed and then ate. Later our main course came. Mama and dada started to eat but I just looked at them and folded my hands. They tried to tell me we already prayed but I wouldn't take no for an answer. So, we all prayed again. These parents!

Nigh Nigh!


Katie : Aug 03, 2010 Thirty   

Goodbye twenties. You were a fun decade full of firsts: first apartment, first boyfriend, first house, marriage, kids, my fellowship, etc, etc, etc. I can't complain!

It looks like my thirties have a lot to live up to after looking back on my twenties! Bring it on :-)

Adam : Jul 23, 2010 Fishing w/ Grandpa   

I was in MN last week and got to go fishing with grandpa and daddy. Grandpa got me a new fishing pole and I played with it on the boat. I liked figuring out the rod and reel. A half hour later I decided I was done fishing and I threw my rod into the lake and walked away. Dada and Grandpa tried to rescue my pole but it was gone. Oh well. I was done with it anyway.

I was bored waiting for mommy and daddy to wake up this morning. So, I decided to get out of my big boy bed and climb into my old crib. Then I realized I was stuck in the crib. So I started calling out, "Up. Up." Mama came in and shook her head at me. "What?"



David : Jul 23, 2010 Bye Bye   

I love to wave bye bye these days. I open and close my hand while staring at it intently. That along with clapping and blowing kisses (aka clicking my tongue to make the blow kisses noise) I'm a really communicator these days. We just got back from MN with the family. I had a lot of fun. I especially loved sitting in the pool with my cousin Naomi. I sat in there forever and liked to kick my feet. Naomi didn't seem to mind. Adam wasn't a big fan of the pool but he liked the bubbles a lot. Mama started on my scrapbook. It's about time! I got to spend lots of time with Grandma. She's my morning buddy.

Off to nigh nigh for me.



Adam : Jul 12, 2010 Hmmm...   

I went shopping with mommy today. As we walked down the aisles I would look at the items and go "hmmm..." as I tapped my finger to my lips. Then I would say, "That One." Then when mommy was putting the food on the checkout counter I tapped my finger to my lips and said, "Hmmm.." and pointed to the M&Ms. She said, no. Then I said, "Let's See." "Hmmm.." "That One." and he pointed to the snickers. Mommy still said no, but was very impressed with my word usage. Maybe I can break her next time.


Adam : Jul 11, 2010 Perfect Day!   

I had a great day with the family today. I got up this morning and got out of bed and played with my cars until Mommy came in and got me. When I saw mommy and david I went up to David and started to make him laugh and patted him on the back. Then Mommy, David and I played for a couple of hours. When David when down for a nap mommy and I went into the front yard and took out all of my tools. Then we worked on "repairing" my bike. I liked taking the table saw to it. Good as new!

When Dada and David finally woke up we took a walk over to Target. I was a very good boy and got mac n' cheese for lunch. Mmm..mmm. Then we went home and it was nap time. After my nap we went to the Mummes house to go swimming. I had SO MUCH FUN! I didn't really like the idea of swimming, but I liked the water guns!!! David and I played outside with the Mumme boys. I liked spraying all of the boys and they let me too!! We had a nummy dinner and then I got to play in the basement with all of the toys! I was a very good boy and listened all day. When we got home Mama said, "Nigh Nigh" I said, "Nigh Nigh" and I ran upstairs and went straight to bed. Ahh...this is the life. I hope tomorrow is fun too!



Mike : Jul 05, 2010 Apple   

Adam just pointed at the bac of my mac and said "Apple!". Oh boy!

David : Jul 03, 2010 The Clapper   

So my parents jam me in my highchair and feed me nasty food. Is started to defend myself by blocking spoons full of nasty food. Ninja like moves you know. Then I clap and smile when they start unloading me. Parents these days!

Adam : Jul 03, 2010 Dadda   

So last night Dadda pointed to a bunch of pictures. He kept asking me who is this. I would say to him "Momma" when he pointed to Momma and "Dadda" when he pointed to Dadda. He was so excited. He's so easily amused!

Adam : Jun 27, 2010 Happy Birthday to me!   

I'm turning 2 tomorrow. I had a great birthday party yesterday with Nana & Grandpa Dobbs, Great Gma Shum, Micky and Jenny. We had hotdogs, mac n' cheese, corn on the cob, and green jello for dinner. I liked blowing out my candles, but I especially liked the ice cream. I got lots of toys. A remote control choo choo, an elmo alphabet school bus, a tool set, and a car ramp. I loved opening my presents.

I had a good time with mommy home and the Burks visiting this past week. We went to the zoo, played with water balloons, played in the sprinkler, and played with my play kitchen. I got a little stressed at the end of the week because I'm not used to sharing. I guess I'll have to work on that now that I am two. Mommy, Becky, Trevor and I went to my first movie on Wednesday night to see Toy Story 3. Ten minutes into the movie the tornado sirens went off and we had to wait in the womens bathroom. Then we had to run out when we had a chance and drive home as fast as possible. We waited out the tornado warning in the basement for 1.5 hours. What a night!

Well, I'm catching up on my rest after a busy week.

Big A

David : Jun 26, 2010 Nine Months - Lots of news to report   

What a busy week! I'm finally getting around to writing about all of my latest developments. I went to the doctor this week and I weighed in at 27lbs 1 oz. I am off the charts! Adam was 27 lbs 4 oz when he was 12 months old. Like I out big brother. I've been having a rough week sleeping because my two top teeth cut through. So, I'm up to 4 teeth now. The doctor said to start giving me mushy table food so I am especially excited about this.

Other news - I can now stand. Not only did I learn how to stand 2 days ago, but I stand ALL the time. This legs are made for standing, and that's just what I'll do!

The Burk family has been visiting all week. I had so much fun with all of the boys running around. I like to crawl around and scream and chase them. I have a new BFF named Aiden. We're buddies. We like to eat the fridge magnets together and knock down toys together. I will miss him.

Well that's about it for now. Mommy and I are getting ready for Adam's party now. I think I'll take a nap while mommy finishes up.

Talk to you soon!


Katie : Jun 20, 2010 VACATION!!   

Looking forward to a fun filled week at home with my boys and the Burks and possibly even a guest appearance from my parents. what should we do?? Maybe the zoo, the childrens museum, Chucky Cheese??? I can already tell this vacation is going to be exhausting but lots of fun. I better get the coffee brewing!



David : Jun 14, 2010 Busy Weekend   

What a fun weekend. Adam and I spent Saturday with the grandparents. When I got home I barely opened my eyes and went straight to bed. Exhausting! On Sunday the family and I went to church. I'm a very good boy in church. I'm usually being passed back and forth like a hot potatoe while Mom & Dad deal with Adam. Adam was pretty good this Sunday though. After church we went to Costco. I love riding around in shopping carts. I kick my legs trying to get the cart to move on my own. I took a nice long nap today and then hung out with Mom & Dad (Adam slept until 5!!!). Anyway, I have mastered crawling so now it is time to do something else. I like to crawl up to raised objects and put my two hands up on the raised object. Then I stand on my feet hunched over. It's like a game of twister. I don't know what to do after that though so I usually just ram my head into whatever is in front of me. I'll figure out how to stand up eventually. Just you wait Adam. Here I come!!

Well, time for more sleep before my busy Monday.



Adam : Jun 12, 2010 Chef Adam   

Wow! I woke up yesterday morning and mommy and daddy told me I had a surprise. I was very worried because the last time they told me I had a surprise it was David, and I just don't think there are enough cribs in the house to handle another surprise like that right now. So, I very cautiously made my way downstairs to the family room and WOW there it deluxe kitchen set. Mommy and Daddy have been on my case lately for trying to cook in their oven and use their dishwasher and microwave. Now I have a whole kitchen of my very own. My favorite part is the sink (I like to pretend to wash my hands and fill my cups up with water) and the phone that I can pick up and hang up. I pick it up and say "Uwwo" and then hand it to mommy or daddy. You see it's never for me. I like to put things in the microwave and then push the buttons while saying "tee tee tee." I spent the whole day yesterday cooking in my kitchen. I didn't even want to play outside. David likes that I have my new toy because I'm so busy in the kitchen that he has free reign over all of the other toys. Win, win!

Other news, I've started to sing my ABC's. I can really only say A, C, E, G, S, X(which is also S), and Z. My favorite is S. I'm always ready at that part of the song. My other favorite song is wheels on the bus. I love it when the wipers go "Swish swish swish" and when the horns go "beep beep beep." I am starting to say a lot these days including Hot, Uwwo (hello), No (in response to someone asking me a question), yes, Achoo, etc.

David is doing well. He's really fast these days. I keep busy just tryign to keep all of my toys away from him. His favorite thing to do is crawl up to something and stand up on his knees. I also have fun with David (but don't tell him that) sometimes I'll just be running around and I catch David watching me and laughing. I like having him with me at bath time because I can splash him with water and after he catches his breath he starts laughing (phew that means I'm not in trouble if he laughs about it). Also, I like to kick my ball and send David chasing after it. It keeps him busy.

Well, that's it for now. You'll have to come visit and I'll whip you up my specialty -- plastic eggs, plastic apple and a cardboard box cooked in my microwave, with a side of tea sprinkled with pepper. Mmm...Mmm...

Chef Adam

David : May 28, 2010 I can crawl!   

Last night mommy put me in Adam's room while she got the bath ready. When she came back I decided to crawl from the middle of the room over to the giraffe on the wall (that my Aunt Suzy painted). Then mommy kept cheering me on and I crawled to the middle of the hallway. Today mommy put me on the floor of her room while she got ready and I crawled over to a pile of stuff in the corner of the room and started playing. Then nanny Lois came over so mommy put me on the middle of the floor and I crawled over to my brothers toy car. This crawling stuff is great. It puts a lot less pressure on my belly! Let's see what I can get into now!

Big D

Adam : May 25, 2010 A is for Apple   

"Apple! Apple! Apple!" I could say that word every day all day. This is not my first word, but it's the first "not common" word that I say crystal clear and know what I'm referring to. I like calling my grandparents and saying "Apple!" Of course when I am eating my pears I think they are apples too. But, give me a break, they are both green and have cores.

Big A

David : May 25, 2010 Momma!   

Hello everyone. Well we are all finally healthy and we had a fun weekend. Adam and I went to the grandparents house on Saturday. It was a lot of fun. We went to the park. On Sunday mom and dad took us to church in the stroller. Then we stuck around for a picnic. Lots of fun. At church momma had to take Adam out and I kept saying "Momma, momma, momma." Momma could hear me over the loud speaker. Last week I kept getting up at 4 a.m. Dada would feed me and then take me back to bed. As he carried me up i would says, "Dada, dada, dada" the whole way back to bed. My bottom two teeth are really working their way in now. Slowly, but surely! I'm still working on the crawling, but I'm content with my army crawl that gets me around entire rooms.

Well, it's back to bed for me. I'm trying to give my parents peace and stay asleep until 6 a.m. We'll see.



Adam : May 18, 2010 Yucky, yucky, yucky.   

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. The family has been sick with the stomach flu. Mommy & Daddy got hit first right after mothers day. I was sick on Sunday/Monday but am on the mend now. It's the first time I've ever been sick like that and it was not fun. But mommy made it all better. Now I was playing in my room with Nanny Lois and David and David got sick all over the floor. Yucky, yucky! Daddy is coming home to take care of him.

So, that's what's going on in our house. I hope everyone else stays healthy!


David : May 10, 2010 Happy Mother's Day!   

We had a whole weekend with mommy. It was great. I learned some new tricks this weekend. I'm almost 8 months old and I FINALLY broke my first tooth. Yeah! I can't wait to eat chewy things! I woke up on mother's day and said "dada. dada. dada" all day long. A bit ironic I know, but hey it's all I'm capable of right now. I get up on all fours and rock and scootch my knees. I'm VERY close to crawling. Tonight I was playing on the floor and I rolled over and then sat up all by myself. I'm a real mover and shaker these days!

I gave mommy lots of smiles today, so I hope she had a nice mother's day.



Adam : May 04, 2010 big boy bed   

I sleep in my big boy bed now! I have a lot more room to stretch. There are fewer bars blocking me in but I still choose to stay in bed until mommy or daddy come to get me. David is now sleeping in my crib. I ignore him when he cries. I need my beauty sleep!

Big A

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