David : Jul 02, 2009 Name?   

So I hear a lot of talk about what my name will be? Maybe Eve or Dribble Dobbs? The thing is I do not know yet. However if you want to know please mail cash to my parents indicating the cash is for my college fund. I do not think they will be responsible enough to pay for all my schooling. Once I get enough cash from you, I will email you my name.

In other news..I am in DC. It's boring here and I miss my daddy's computer. Hopefully we'll be heading home soon.


B #2

Adam : Jul 02, 2009 Momma   

Has anyone seen my momma? She went to DC on monday and is not home yet. I am very upset about this. How could she leave me?



Adam : Jun 22, 2009 Happy Belated Da-Da day   

We just flew back from California and now we're safe and sound in good ole Bolingbrook. Can you believe we were in the desert and we came home to WAY hotter weather than in CA. Ugh! I am an expert flier now. I didn't cry when getting my diaper changed at the airport this time. I played with my toys for an hour on the plane. And then I slept the remaining 3 hour plane ride. Piece of cake. I must admit I was a bit exhausted from all of the excitement at the Burk house and playing with the Burk boys, so I was ready for a long nap.

I decided since it was daddy's first "outside of the womb" father's day that I would pick up a few new tricks while I was in California. Here is my latest checklist of things that I can do:

1- Clap my hands
2- I now have my first molar. Ouch! That was painful!
3- Feed myself with my hands.
4- No more formula. Whole milk please!
5- Drink out of a sippy cup sometimes. I still don't drink a lot, but mommy is happy I don't just chuck the cup at her anymore.
6- Say mama and actually direct it at my mama.
7- Ate scrambled eggs for the first time. Then almost threw up scrambled eggs for the first time. Yuck, who eats those things.
8- Got my first professional photo shoot (see my commentary about that below)
9- Sit forward facing in my car seat.

So, back to the photo shoot. Aiden got his 6 month photos taken and I got my 1 year photos taken while out in CA. Well the nutty camera lady has me sit on this blanket and then she starts making high pitched baby noises. At first I just glared at her. Then she kept going on and on so I finally started crying because the lady was nuts. Then she started tickling daddy with a feather duster. Daddy just glared at her (just like I did) and she told him he was supposed to laugh to make me laugh. Daddy and I thought she was nuts. Mommy and Daddy took me for a walk to calm me down and then try again. When we came back mommy explained that I am a serious baby and that it would be better if the camera lady was just quiet and let me play with some toys on my own. There weren't really many smiling pictures of me because you see I was busy contemplating each of the toys put in front of me. Mommy says at least the pictures show my personality!

Okay - gotta get to sleep and get readjusted to central standard time. Thank you to the Burk family for putting up with me and especially my parents all week. Trevor, sorry for destroying your play room!



Adam : Jun 19, 2009 All this noise!   

So I was chilling in the car with Aiden and Trevor. Trevor screams and well hurt my ears. So I started to yell at him (some call it crying). Once I settled down, Aiden started crying and that got me yelling again. It was a vicious cycle that mom, dad, Mr. and Mrs. Burk got tired of after about 5 minutes.


Adam : Jun 14, 2009 Big Week Ahead   

I'm getting excited because the P's keeping talking about our big trip to LA on Wednesday. Mommy & Daddy seem nervous about taking me on an airplane. I don't understand why. I love exploring new things. I'm sure the pilot won't mind if I come join him in the cock pit and press all of those buttons that light up. Mommy says no that I'll have to sit in my seat for 4 hours and be quiet. Oh PUH-lease...I'm sure as soon as everyone on the plane sees how cute I am they'll let me do whatever I want. Right? Oh well, either way I'm excited to get there and meet Trevor & Aiden. I get to look at their pictures all of the time so it will be interesting to see them in 3D.

I had a great time this weekend hanging out with the grandparents. Mom & Dad went out to a wedding on Saturday and left me to play with the GPs. Of course I got lots of attention, played all day, went to the park and read lots of books.

My big first birthday is coming up and I am looking forward to all of the presents I am going to get. Mom thinks I have enough toys because she can't see the living room floor anymore. I tell her you can always stack toys, so don't worry people keep 'em coming.



Mike : Jun 14, 2009 Busy   

I just got back Friday from a week long trip at Idaho National Laboratory (INL). We went to a wedding last night (Sat.) Adam made sure we were up for church by screaming at 5:00 AM. Don't worry mom got up and took care of him. :-) I cut the grass, got a hitch installed on the van and got a little platform to carry more junk to Pigeon Forge, TN (family reunion). I helped Adam upload more pics and videos. Processed more church videos (I post them online). Replaced the outside garage door keypad (faulty), and took Adam for a long walk. I cannot wait to have another little screamer around the house. Actually it is hard to remember what life was like with a newborn. It's hard to remember what happened yesterday...


Adam : Jun 14, 2009 Youtube Problems   

Yep, the youtube videos are all out of order. I emailed youtube since I believe it is there problem. Hopefully the issue will be resolved shortly!


Adam : Jun 09, 2009 Amen   

Uncle Adam came by with dinner last night and they both folded their hands to pray and I folded my hands too and started talking with them. Uncle Adam and mommy were very impressed. So they did it again and I folded my hands again during the prayer with a big smile on my face. Daddy and mommy have been showing me how to pray for a long time now. I am very proud that I can do it now too.

Daddy is away at Idaho right now. I'm keeping mommy entertained for the time being. It's tough being the man of the house. Daddy said I'm supposed to mow the lawn...forget it!



David : Jun 07, 2009 Kick, kick, kick   

*yawn* all of this kicking makes me sleepy. Keep it down Adam. And stop biting mommy!

Adam : Jun 07, 2009 Busy Weekend   

This was a very busy weekend. Mom, Dad, Baby #2 and I all went to Indiana to visit the Will family and the Klemme family. Saturday morning mommy and I went for a long walk to Panera and Target. Then we went to the Will's house and I got to play with all of Nick and Ali's old toys. Those two crack me up. They made me laugh so hard and they were laughing because they thought my laugh sounded like a machine gun. I like my unique cough/laugh. Then we went to visit baby Taryn who is now 3 weeks old. She was boring because she was sleeping so I just went to go play with all of her toys while my mommy held her. I don't see why mommy and daddy want to have another one of those things...they just lay there, but mommy kept saying how cute she was and how I used to be that small (yeah right!).

I bit mommy a couple of times this weekend. She's the only one I bite. I crawl up to her with a big smile on my face, snuggle into her leg and get a mouthful of her calf. Mmm...tasty. I also go up to people's furniture and try to take a bit out of it. What? Is that not normal?

When we got home I was hanging out with daddy in the basement. Mommy was at the top of the stairs. I climbed up the whole staircase by myself to get to mommy (of course daddy was hovering over me the whole time...what a scaredy cat). Watch out world! I can get almost anywhere these days. I am almost one...

I'm exhausted from my long weekend.



Adam : Jun 02, 2009 Stairway to ???   

Daddy and I hung out today after he was done with work. By the time mommy came home I was covered in squash and ready for a real meal. Daddy is trying to give me those yucky veggies but I wanted to eat what they were having for dinner. I ate a plate of spagetti and played with another plateful. By the end of the meal I was covered head to toe in squash and spagetti. After dinner we were going to go for a walk. I crawled over to the entry way and decided instead that I wanted to go upstairs. I climbed up 5 stairs all by myself while mommy and daddy stood behind me shaking their heads. I don't know what their problem was. These parents are awfully strange....


Adam : Jun 01, 2009 Eleven Months Old   

Well, I see daddy has made room on my website for "the little one." I am still not sure what it means to be a big brother but I hear I am going to find out very soon. I've added a few more accomplishments to my resume this past month. These accomplishments include:

1 - Breathe out through my nose and snarl
2 - Click my tongue
3 - Walk my shopping cart around the living room (including picking it up and moving it somewhere else and then walking it again)
4 - Eat chicken nuggets
5 - Eat mac n' cheese
6 - Squat
7 - Roll when I fall
8 - Went for my first bike ride with daddy
9 - Drink whole milk
10 - Say da-da (not just to daddy though..I also call my high chair, stroller and the floor da-da)
11 - Play Connect 4
12 - Swim in my wading pool

Okay, I'm too busy for this blog stuff. Gotta run!

Big A

David : Jun 01, 2009 Move over Adam...there's a new baby in town   

*Yawn* I'm awfully sleepy in here. Mommy keeps moving around a lot which rocks me right to sleep. My favorite thing to do right now is kick mommy when she is sleeping. I especially enjoy kicking her bladder so that she has to pee all the time. Mommy and Daddy and my big brother still don't know if I'm a boy or girl. I mean it should be obvious..but I want to have a dramatic entrance so I'm going to make them wait it out. I"m not like my big brother. I'm modest and don't think it's proper for a baby to show their goodies to anyone and everyone. I can hear my brother Adam throwing temper tantrums sometimes. What a drama queen. I can tell he's going to be in shock when I arrive. I do like my time with mommy and my big brother at night. Mommy rocks Adam and I to sleep and sings to us.

Well, I'm looking forward to meeting everyone in a few months. I'll keep you posted on my progress in here.

~ Dobblet #2

Adam : May 31, 2009 New Website   

Sorry, In anticipation for my little brother/sister, I have been busy upgrading the website. Not a lot of changes for guests yet except for blogs for each member of the family. I did make some huge changes under the hood! For you old timers I also finally got some IE6 fixes. Time to upgrade eh?

More to come.


Adam : May 04, 2009 Updates about ME!   

I have been a very busy boy. I've done so much this past week, I'll have to let you guys in on my list.

1 - Learn how to go from sitting to crawling back to sitting -- CHECK
2 - Learn how to sit down from a standing position -- CHECK
3 - Get my first bloody lip -- CHECK
4 - Go with Grandma Karius to the zoo and pet goats -- CHECK
5 - Go with my aunts and Grandma to Underwater world and see sharks -- CHECK
6 - Throw intensive temper tantrums and throw my body into the ground and scream and scream and scream -- CHECK, CHECK and CHECK
7 - Get my second bloody lip -- CHECK
8 - Say "Mom" -- CHECK
9 - Eat my first family dinner (spagetti & biscuits) -- CHECK
10 - Throw a temper tantrum in water -- CHECK
11 - Rip apart a sippy cup with my bare hands -- CHECK (mommy and daddy still don't know how to put it back together)
12 - Learn how to stand up in my playpen so mommy and daddy can't sleep in -- CHECK
13 - Wake up before 6 a.m. -- CHECK
14 - Pinch fingers in drawers -- CHECK
15 - Attempt to rip mommy's hair out -- CHECK
16 - Give high fives -- CHECK
17 - Wave goodbye -- CHECK
18 - Damage church hymnal -- CHECK
19 - Learn how to walk -- NOT YET, BUT GETTING THERE
21 - Get liquor from the liquor cabinet -- CHECK
22 - Laugh at my own flatulence -- CHECK and CHECK
23 - Escape a diaper change by crawling away naked -- CHECK

That's it for now. It's been a busy few weeks.


Little A

Adam : May 02, 2009 Week 40 Video and IE6 updates   

It has come to my attention that Week 40 may not have showed up. So I have attached it below. Hopefully, youtube has fixed their problem. In other news, I made some changes to help those old timers still using IE6. Videos should not work...hopefully. I do not run IE6!


Adam : Apr 15, 2009 I'm Mobile! Watch out here I come!   

So, I have BIG news. I can crawl and stand myself up. My parents keep setting their expectations low for me so I like to surprise them now and again. On Saturday, daddy was cleaning Leonard's (the bearded dragon) cage. I was on the floor and Leonard ran by me across the living room. Well, I couldn't help myself because I wanted to catch Leonard and pull on his tail. So, i crawled after him across the living room. Mommy and Daddy were shocked. Ever since then I've been a crawling maniac. Not only that but I crawl to the couch and pull myself up. I crawl over to my toy table and pull myself up to play with it. Yup. I'm pretty independent now. I'm working on the walking thing but i'm pretty wobbly. I think it's because I've been digging through the liquor cabinet too much.

On Monday, mommy was changing my stinky diaper. I was trying to escape and since mommy didn't want me to get all dirty after she cleaned me up she let me go. And I got up and crawled away with my naked toosh. Mommy had to chase me to get a diaper on me.

I spent Easter with Grandma and Grandpa Dobbs, Great Gma Shum, and Aunt Kristin and Uncle Bryan, and the Sensemeiers. It was great and everybody got me presents! I'm a very spoiled little boy.

Mommy and Daddy let me stay up late all week going to all of the church services. I started thinking church was part of my bedtime routine. I was a very good boy during all of the services. I liked to hear the Good News about what Jesus did for me. It was definitely worth celebrating.

Okay. Well it is time for me to go back to sleep.


Little a (for ankle biter)

Adam : Apr 04, 2009 Daddy's Coming Home Tomorrow!   

It's been just mommy and I for a whole week now! Daddy is away in DC with Aunt Kristin and Uncle Bryan. I've been keeping mommy busy, but it's been a lot of fun. Today we took and hour walk, went to Target & Portillos and went outside to blow bubbles. So, I'm pretty fearless but there are a few things that scare the pants off me. First, mommy has a big black pilates ball that I will jump with fright and start crying if I see it move. Second, if I touch a tree or a branch I also jump and start crying. Today mommy laid a blanket outside for me to sit on so we could blow bubbles. She tried to set me down but I grabbed her for dear life and started screaming. You see, I am also scared of grass. Mommy tried to show me that it was okay and touched the grass herself, but even her touching it scared me. Okay, don't get me wrong. I'm not a scaredy cat. I would slam my fingers in a door, laugh at a dog barking in my face and touch something hot any day of the week. I'm just not a huge fan of nature at this point.

Two days ago I had my first temper tantrum. Mommy had no idea what was wrong with me, but wasn't it obvious..I wanted to be difficult. Sometimes a boy just needs to let his aggression out. Mommy tried to play with me, walk me, rock me and I just screamed and screamed and became a wet noodle. Mommy let me be in my room for a few minutes to "work it out." And when she came back in I was just so happy to see her I forgot what I was upset about. Hmm..Oh well.

I am getting in my last two teeth before my molars. I now have eight teeth in total. And I like to eat cheerios! Mommy is going to bring them to church tomorrow to keep me quiet.

So, mommy tells me I'm going to find out at the end of the month if I'm going to get a little brother or a little sister in September. I hope it's a boy because girls have cooties. Oh well I'll try not to beat them up too much either way.

Okay, back to sleep for me.


Adam : Mar 28, 2009 9 Months Old Today!   

I have now been out of the womb as long as I was in it. I'm a pro at this being a baby stuff now. I think it's time for me to move on to bigger and better stuff now, so I'm going to work on this "toddler" stuff I keep hearing about. I went to the doctor yesterday and I weighed 25 lbs and was 29" long. I am in the 95th percentile for height, the 90th percentile for weight and the 75th percentile for head size. Those little babies better watch out for me. The doctor gave mommy and daddy the okay to let me eat everything but this stuff called eggs and peanut butter. When I got home I went straight for the cupboard and grabbed the Southern Comfort. When mommy said no I looked at her like she was crazy. The doctor said I could have anything. Silly mommy.

So, this week although I was under the weather because daddy gave me his germs (I don't want those kind of gifts anymore) I accomplished a lot. I stood myself up from a sitting position twice. I've gone from my belly to sitting up once. I stood all by myself without holding onto anything. AND I have 2 more bottome teeth coming in. Mommy even got me a tooth brush from the dentist. It's great! I don't want my breath smelling like mommy and daddy's in the middle of the night. The ladies don't like that.

The other big news is that daddy is going away tomorrow. Mommy says it's because he has an important job training to go to. *Sigh* Sounds boring to me. What can be more exciting than watching me dump my toys on the floor? Oh well, his loss. Mommy and I will just hang out this week instead. I'll try to add a new word to my vocabulary before dad comes back (right now I just say "Gay" over and over). Stay tuned.

Gay. Cough. Cough.


Adam : Mar 26, 2009 Cough..Cough!   

Sorry I've been offline for a few days. My old man gave me a cold. My nose is like one of those slurpy machines at 7-11, but not in a good way. :-(

Anyway, what's going on! Pops is getting ready to visit Aunt Bryan and Aunt Kristin out in DC. Mom is the same old, she is starting to feel sick now. I wonder where she got it from?

Daddy got a new cell phone. Yea, I guess it's that time of the month again. He's getting tired of dropped calls so he is trying out the new google phone. He likes it so far, but we'll see. I'm not paying for any more phones! Yea it's "his money" now, but he'll be dead soon enough. Then it will be my money!


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